Essay On Abusive Relationships

558 Words2 Pages

Ashley Bell
Prof. Cregar
ENGL 1301
‎November ‎15, ‎2014
Escaping an Abusive Relationship. Domestic violence is at an all-time high. Ninety to ninety-five percent of victims of domestic violence are women. Every nine seconds a woman is battered in the United States. Approximately 1 in 3 women experience an abusive relationship in their lifetime (counsiling, What makes some one stay in an abusive relationship? How can someone get away from an abusive significant other? Getting out of an abusive relationship can be challenging but it can be done. Not all abuse is physical abuse. Emotional abuse plays a huge factor in an abusive relationship. It's been proven over time if a person continually tells someone they are unattractive or worthless they began to believe it them self. Sexual abuse is another form of abuse women in an abusive …show more content…, a website designed to help victims get out of an abusive relationship says it best "Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied" ( Domestic violence doesn’t care about age or race. Low self-esteem, being dependent on their partner, lacking means of an escape and even religion can keep a victim in the abusive relationship. Women often stay in a bad relationship thinking that their abuser will change, but the abuser never does. Some victims think that if they try to leave their significant other will kill them. Once the victim escapes, the abuser lures them back in by pity or making the abuser feel guilty for leaving them, and the victim goes back. It’s a never ending process until the victim stops the

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