Concerns one may have when developing a “domestic violence survivors group: May or may not be with one’s cultural heritage.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence states that nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by their intimate partner in the United States (in a year that equates to more than 10 million women and men) (NCADV)
• Hispanic and African American women are the largest minority group to experience domestic violence.
In the traditional Hispanic culture women are responsible of taking care of the home and the children, while the husband is responsible for providing for the family, the husband is also in charge of the health care of the wife. The wife must obey the health care decisions of the husband even if
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An explanation of the dynamics to be aware of when running a domestic violence/survivors of domestic violence group.
Domestic violence is both a chosen and learned behavior, it is used to gain and maintain power and control over the intimate partner.
Changes within the group that may affect those involved, legal issues, group rules on confidentiality, remaining calm, not imposing your own personal values when working with domestic violence victims.
Knowing when to refer a client to outside resources: religious facilities, mental health facilities, shelters. References:
Susan Chaney, NP & Letty, John, RN Cultural Influences on Domestic Violence Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hull, G. H., Jr. (2012). Understanding generalist practice (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.; National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Herman, Judith (1992) Trauma and Recovery New York Basic Books 1992
Mary Ann Suppes & Wells, Carolyn (2013) The Social
Domestic violence can have specific victims, such as a spouse or domestic partner, a child, or an elder. Domestic violence can affect men as well as women. Some types of domestic violence are physical, verbal or nonverbal, sexual, stalking or cyberstalking, economic or financial, and spiritual. Domestic violence affects the victim physically often times causing injuries that could lead to hospitalization or death, psychologically involving gaining control over the victim as well, and socially by isolating them from family and friends. When we think of the effects of domestic violence it becomes clear that it not only affects the victim and the family but as in recent years, the violence can spill beyond the walls of the home into the neighborhood and the workplace resulting in what has become more and more common, domestic violence related workplace shootings.
Domestic Violence is a widely recognized issue here in the United States. Though many people are familiar with domestic violence, there are still many facts that people do not understand. Abuse is not just physical, it is mental, emotional, verbal, sexual and financial. Many victims of physical abuse are also fall victim to these abuse tactics as well. An abusive partner often uses verbal, mental, emotional, and financial abuse to break their partner so to speak. It is through this type of abuse the victim often feels as though they are not adequately meeting their partner’s needs.
Domestic violence is a learned behavior and pattern which is often caused by an interaction of situational and individual factors. The offender may have learned violence by seeing someone else being abused often or they may have been victims themselves. Because domestic violence is also a pattern, most offenders are arrested on subsequent domestic violence charges within a year after the conclusion of their previos conviction.
Warshaw (n.d.) stated that the first stage of intervention is identifying that there is domestic abuse. Asking about the abuse will help the battered woman open up and learn that there are services available when she feels ready to use them. A very important skill to use when dealing with battered women is validation because it will help the woman see that she is not alone and there is help. Women in this predicament usually blame themselves for the abuse and are told to make the best of it. Secondly, discussing information about domestic violence is important. The use of the “Power and Control” wheel is helpful in describing the controlling behavior of the abusive partner, with the message that the abusive behavior will likely continue to increase over time. Thirdly, it is important to develop a safety plan that addresses decisions regarding leaving and where to go, educates on safety-related issues such as returning back to the abusive partner, plans for handling the situation, and refers to domestic violence programs in the community.
Child rearing and family structure within the Hispanic culture is noticeably different than what is present in the mainstream Western culture of today. One apparent difference is in gender roles. There exists a vastly different expectation in Hispanic culture for males and females. The male is considered to be the independent breadwinner, and the head of the household. Accordingly, the female role is one of submission and provider of childcare. In contrast, it is more than acceptable in Western culture for a female to maintain a non-traditional role. Hispanic culture additionally differs from Western culture in the traditional makeup of the family. Within Hispanic culture the extended family plays a huge role
Intimate partner violence does not discriminate. The ramifications of domestic violence can lead to serious issues within a family and one’s mental health (Graham-Bermann & Miller-Graff, 2015). Women and men can be abused. When discussing the how the perpetrator’s loved one is affected by intimate partner violence, one must recognize the ways that it impacts men and women.
Every year about 4000 women die in the U.S. because of the domestic violence. Every year this number gets higher and higher. Even though we live in the 21st century people can’t find the way to improve the situation. But before searching for the solution, people should understand what domestic violence is. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, domestic violence is: “any abuse—including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial—between intimate partners, often living in the same household” (Encyclopedia Britannica). Most of the people believe that domestic
An occurrence of violence is typically companied with controlling and emotionally abusive behavior which makes up a small amount of the pattern that is part of the dominance and control of the partner inflicting the abuse. Some effects of intimate partner violence include physical injury, trauma psychologically, and even death in extreme cases. The occurrence of domestic violence can go one for someone’s entire life and it can even be passed down to future generations. This happens when the abuse is not reported or dealt with and the children begin to see it on a regular basis making it something that they know as a second nature thing that happens. In occurrences of domestic violence, violence is not equal which means that even if victim their abuser back or initiates more violence to diffuse a situation, the violence is not the same. Whenever abuse occurs there is always one person who is the “primary, constant, source of power, control, and abuse in the relationship” (NCADV,
Poels, Y., & Berger, J. (1992). Groupwork with survivors of domestic violence. Taylor & Francis.
Domestic violence can affect anyone. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another through emotional attack, fear, and intimidation. Domestic violence or battering, often, includes the threat or use of violence; this violence is a crime. Battering occurs when one person believes he/she is entitled to control another. Domestic violence affects people in all social, economic, racial, religious, and ethnic groups; whether the couple is married, divorced, living together, or still dating. Another reality is that abusers and their victims can be gay, strait, young, or old. Violence develops from verbal, physical, emotional, financial, and sexual abuse. Most domestic violence victims are women by men, but that doesn’t suggest that others cannot be battered or are perpetrators of abuse -- such as women on men, or same sex abuse. Battering or domestic violence, is now mutual and it is not a ‘couple’s quarrel’. Disagreements arise occasionally in all relationships, but battering involves every aspect of a relationship. While physical violence is the “enforcer” or the criminal act, other behaviors erode the partner or victim’s sense of self, self-determination, and free will; this is ultimately lethal for many women.
Because of the nature of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault we will be working with young adults from 18 to 45 years of age. DV does not have a gender basis, men and women are both abused within relationships. However, with this set of group sessions, it will be focused on women that are or have been in a domestic violence situation. Because SA and DV are so closely related when it comes to a domestic violence situations the group sessions will also take sexual assaulted victims...
Historically, domestic violence was viewed as only involving physical abuse. However, the more contemporary view of domestic violence has come to include not only physical types of abuse; but as well as emotional, sexual, physiological, and economic violence that may be committed
Attention Getter: According to The National Coalition of Domestic Violence, 1 in 3 women are victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. A woman is assaulted or beaten every 9 seconds in the US.
“One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States” (Stewart & Croudep, 1998-2012). Domestic violence can interfere with the husband-wife relationship because one spouse is always in constant fear of the other. This violence could vary from physical abuse to ps...
Domestic violence is skyrocketing in our society. In the U.S., as many as 1.5 million women and 850,000 men were physically assaulted by their intimate partner last year, and numerous children abused by their parents. These sad criminal acts will continue to grow in our society, unless our community takes action to stop these crimes. First of all, the most important tool we have available against this type of crime are the authorities, which include the police department, hospital, and social workers. If they manage to work together as a team to make the whole process of protecting a victim more efficient, it will encourage victims to actually phone for help.