Essay About Singing

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There are different types of singing and voices like Soprano,Alto,Tenor and base and many more. There are no genes about singing but some people have creativity for singing. For singing you can experience a lot from nature & nurture by practicing and singing in a choir. My talent for this essay is about singing and how it connects with nature and nurture.The singing voice is the root from which the opera has sprouted and grown...the form of the opera arises from the voice; it becomes physically perceptible in such shape as is dictated by the development of the voice...the history of opera becomes the history of the voice." (Lawrence)

Singing is basically is musical tone with your vocal cords. Also, you set a tune in your …show more content…

So, it has evolved many years and more. As studies have shown in Lawrence states that ‘’Not only is singing ancient and universal, in primitive cultures it is an important function associated not so much with entertainment or frivolity as with matters vital to the individual,social group or religion’’ (Lawrence). What that means is that singing is a very common thing to do and it is ancient and people have done it for many years. There are other types of singing like such as there are different pitches in singing there is Soprano , Alto,tenor,bass, and many more. For soprano that means you sing at a high pitch. For Alto your voice is a little high but low so that would be for the women female voice. Then, there is Tenor which is …show more content…

For creative singing you can add some beats into it, have fun and enjoy it . Also, you can express your feelings and how you feel you. There are ways you can improve your creativity for singing some ways is your character, and your expression. In expressing your creativity is you can add some spices or rhythm to what you're singing. When being a singer there is different styles to music like jazz,pop,hip-hop and etc. Other things you have to do is create a demo or make a song and see where your singing is at. Also, having a good memory is important when

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