Essay About Passionate About My Life

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When looking at what you plan to do with your life, you get excited and passionate about that one thing that you want to do for the rest of your life. You spend most of your life going to school and preparing yourself for the job that you will have, probably for the rest of your life. Many Christians look at there job and think about how they are doing this job for our God. Through my vocation I see “The Image of God” and “the fall” through the hard times and balancing my faith and science. Also, when you think about what vocation you go into you have to believe that God is placing that desire on your heart to pursue that passion for the rest of your life and ultimately being passionate about it for Jesus Christ and to worship Christ and our …show more content…

That amazes me and gets me through every trouble that is in my life because I know that God was the reason why I am able to be passionate about my future vocation. Once God created the earth he created man and man was put on the earth to fill, subdue and rule over the earth. But, when God put people on the earth he did not expect that the people would sin so much that it would bring us to “the fall”. And so the job that you have chosen is what God has planned for you to do in the world even if there is a fall that took place in the world. Look at Cultural Mandate as a way of you putting your own little mark on the world. Whatever you are going to do you are making your own mark. Some people may not believe that they are changing anything with the job that they are going to go into but in all reality it is putting a change into the world. The work that you are going to do will change how you look at your own cultural mandate and it will bring a lot of culture into your life and where you are going to take it. You also have to look at your job and honor that God has given it to you. Richard Pratt said, “We don’t labor simply to survive, insects do that. Our work is an …show more content…

Through the “Image of God” and “The Fall” it can get confusing sometimes. The “Image of God” and “The Fall” shows me that God is in everything and that sometimes matches up to my job. In biology researchers find out what every cell in our body does and how they work and how they were made. Through the fall people have looked at my vocation as something that can be against religion. Since my vocation can go against religion and my own religion I need to find a happy balance between the two. Some things can be questioned on why certain parts of cells do what they do and the only thing that I can think for this is that god is the one who has done it. The only thing that I can do in the situation of “Who made this do this?” is all on thinking that God was the one who has made that cell to do that. I know that I will struggle with balancing my career and my religion but through going to Trinity I hope to be able to understand a way to balance and stay strong in my faith of God and my faith of science. I know that in the future if I work with somebody who doesn’t have the same faith as me it can be sort of confusing. I would have to approach this with avoiding the topic of faith and focus on my research. Some people have even said, “How could you believe in a God that could give somebody cancer?”, well with this I would say what my faith is and

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