Summary Of Engaging God's World

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The goal of this book review on Engaging God’s World written by Cornelius Plantinga Jr. is to examine his ideas on redemption, vocation in the Kingdom of God, and to explore his thoughts on Christian education as described in the book’s epilogue. Cornelius Plantinga Jr. discusses several key notes regarding redemption, such as salvation. Vocation in the Kingdom of God is another subject he touches on in relation to the way God works within His Kingdom connecting us to the ‘King of Kings’ as his ambassadors on earth. Lastly, Plantinga explains his view on how Christian education is important to sustain ourselves, earth now, and the New Earth.
Starting in chapter four of Engaging God’s World, we see Plantinga refers to the term ‘sanctification’ …show more content…

He terms this as the “vocation in the Kingdom of God.” He starts by discussing the ‘King of Kings’ as it “implies that God is supreme ruler, but not the only one. God has created us in his own image to have “responsible dominion.” (pg.105) This is where we find that we are labeled as ‘His Ambassadors”, meaning we have ‘kingdoms’ of our own that we are responsible for in terms of Godliness, restoration, and responsibility. I found it interesting that Plantinga states we have different kingdoms during different stages in our lives. He gives examples of these; for instance, he claims “during the college years we have kingdoms that we are responsible for such as a dorm room or a job.” Then he goes on that once we are adults “our kingdoms expand” to our titles of managers at our job or “being head of our household.” (pg.105) Revelation 5:10 reiterates this exact theme I feel. “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” (NIV) This particular subject is so important to all Christians and their way of life. Now that I ‘feel like a queen’ on this earth, it’s my job to ensure that I rule or demonstrate a life that mimics the King of Kings. I am an heir to the throne. We are all part of the royal family and we were created to rule with Christ over all of …show more content…

Christian education is for this project. Christian education is the training of special agents of the kingdom of God and the consummation of creation.” (pg.139) I found it fascinating that Plantinga describes ‘us’ within the Christian education system are called or elected to help God regain and restore His earth here with Christ. We have to remember, “no matter what our primary occupation we cannot let it become a preoccupation.” Plantinga helped me to reflect on my current life, my current job, and my current Christian education. I found that when we let these other aspects of our lives, whether it be bills, work or exams, we often allow reality to fade into the background. Or perhaps we could look at it this way: Our lives get so busy and hectic that we tend to put God on the back burner. Christian education whether in a university or biblical studies at home will give us guidance through our hectic lives, renewing our minds and keep us in close connection with our Creator and the rest of His Creation. Plantinga sums up Christian education as “for the kingdom of God. It equips us to be agents of the kingdom, models of the kingdom in our own lives and communities, witnesses to the kingdom wherever we go in the world.” (pg.143) When we ‘put on the full armor of God’ we not only protect ourselves from this fallen world but we are also able to project God’s glory to all those who we encounter.

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