Electrical Engineering As A Purpose Statement For Electrical Engineering

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Purpose Statement: Electrical engineering has always fascinated me. I was always keen to sort out the complexities of different system. My decision to choose field of electrical engineering was based on my passion and parent’s will. In early stages of my education, I started working hard to achieve my goal. My vision was to be a successful engineer to serve my community. When I used to study computer science, my interest developed in inventions and transformations. Technological innovations have led enormous changes in world and lifestyles. Recent developments in the world have changed the way of generating and using electrical power. I am satisfied with the current opportunities and with my profession. I am looking forward to work in a successful organization and play a significant role in taking it to higher rankings in the world. My interest started developing in the early stage of my life, when I studied about the invention of computers, moreover about its large size. Learning is an interesting phenomenon. When interests match with field, it gives positive results. My field is ...

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