Effective Leadership Self-Assessment

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Self – Assessment and Effective Leadership
According to Borkwoski (2016), leadership is a complex process by which a person sets direction, influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective, and directs an organization to make it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership can be hard to define because it has different meanings to different people. For example, in a transformational leadership model, leaders set direction and help themselves and others do the right thing to achieve (MindTools, 2015). This means they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision (MindTools, 2016). In addition, they manage the delivery of the vision, directly or indirectly, and build their teams to make them stronger (MindTools, 2015).
What is a Leader?
A leader is describing a person that inspires employees with a vision and helps them to cope with change. Many leaders can help people achieve goals and objectives, while managers direct people to accomplish a specific task or skills. In my opinion, leaders and managers are not the same. In my career experience, I have had managers that did not possess leadership skills and wanted to show employees that they were in charge. In health care, I believe that in order to become a manager leadership courses should be mandatory. …show more content…

A leader should possess this type of trait such as, self-confidence, capacity to motivate people, skill in dealing with people, eagerness to accept, intelligence and action-oriented judgement, trustworthiness, flexibility, need for achievement, and task competence (Borkwoski, 2016). However, a manager, determine how to achieve preset goals, handle activities through planning and budgeting, create organizational structure, and direct work of employees (Borkowski,

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