POWELL ESSAY Ryan Duke Dr. Powell H. English III 19 August 2024 Introduction: “The trouble they cause recoils on them; their violence comes down on their own heads.” Psalms 7:16. Chaos and misfortune are bound to happen when people create complications among themselves. Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology is a collection of epitaphs from the deceased of the small town of Spoon River, who all read different stories of how their ends came to be. These choices and fates of the residents of Spoon River are driven by a multitude of motives, impacting themselves and others drastically. Certain character epitaphs in Spoon River Anthology exhibit them harming others’ lives in favor of their own. These events conclude with them having a similar …show more content…
He poisoned me, I think” (“Dora Williams” Line 19”). After Dora manages to avoid consequences for her strategies of securing the wealth she desires, she is poisoned by her latest husband after she moves to Europe, who was also planning to take his partner's wealth for himself, giving her a death identical to those that she is suspected of causing, making a rudimentary example of karma. Butch Weldy also has a situation reminiscent of his own wrongdoings, though less clear to some degree. After a destructive accident at his job, he is littered with permanent injuries, as he describes “And down I came with both legs broken, and my eyes burned crisp like a couple of eggs” (“Butch Weldy,” Line 12). Readers may notice the connection of his leg injuries to the ending words of Minerva Jones, “And I sank to death, growing numb from the feet up” (“Minerva Jones,” Line 7). Whose death is, to some extent, caused by him abandoning her after taking advantage of her feelings, making the accident karma for hurting her and any other victims. Spoon River Anthology makes it evident that wrongdoing will catch up to its perpetrators, but such misfortune happens indiscriminately to innocent people as well, even in the pursuit of …show more content…
In the epitaph of Mr. Jones, he is shown to believe he is above his neighbors due to his Welsh ancestry and past education, and he treats others poorly due to his arrogance and their ignorance about these things, which is seen in his remark “That I was purer blooded than the white trash here?” (““Indignation” Jones,” Line 3). This quote shows his disdainful perspective of the other townspeople, leaving him with a lonely and financially struggling life despite him feeling entitled to more. But not the exact same can be said for Mrs. Benjamin Pantier, who believes herself to be too refined of a woman for the likes of her husband, saying that he “Is the very man that fills you with disgust” (“Mrs. Benjamin Pantier”, Line 15). Despite being repulsed by him, she still stays in their distant marriage to leech from his income as a lawyer, but consequently not having an enjoyable family relationship. Arrogance can easily steer people towards making regrettable decisions and having detested behavior, harming either them, the people around them, or both. Spoon River Anthology’s characters arrogance, greed, love, karma, and more come together to influence their choices and those of their neighbors. These themes are an example of how certain feelings can overpower one's caution and make them commit to things that cause their ultimate
own turn being in the position we once had someone else in” (Ashley Lorenzana). Spoon River Anthology, written by Edgar Lee Masters, is a collection of epitaphs from a small town that is full of drama and secrets. The epitaphs unveil concealed scandals and betrayals lurking in the lives of these people. The epitaphs are intricately connected than the naked eye sees. The ultimate demise of many citizens in Spoon River is caused by the decisions they make and the way they take advantage of others.
you.” Spoon River Anthology is a collection of epitaphs by Edgar Lee Masters which narrates the lives of people who live in the small town of Spoon River. The epitaphs illustrate the consequences that result from the actions of the inhabitants like “Butch Weldy”, “Minerva”, “Dora Williams”, “Emily Sparks”, and “Mrs. Meyers”. A multitude of experiences drives the choices of numerous townspeople in Spoon River, which consequently leads to their ultimate demise. Religion in the town of Spoon River creates
Lorenzana). Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology is a powerful collection of epitaphs from a small town full of drama and hidden secrets. These epitaphs reveal scandals and betrayals that lie beneath the surface of the townspeople’s lives. They are more connected than one might first notice. The ultimate downfall of many citizens in Spoon River comes from their own choices and their exploitation of others. The actions and decisions of some greedy citizens have a big impact on Spoon River. In the
In Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology, the intricate web of fate and karma weaves through the lives of its townspeople, revealing hidden truths and moral reckonings in a small town. This collection of epitaphs highlights how the townspeople face retribution for the wrongs they committed against others. Masters' work serves as a compelling exploration of how actions have consequences and how the forces of karma ultimately bring justice to the interconnected lives of Spoon River’s residents.
Keanu Reeves once commented, “When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life.” Edgar Lee Masters's Spoon River Anthology is a collection of epitaphs in which people reveal their secrets after death. Many townspeople’s lives in the town of Spoon River were destroyed by karma. One citizen in the town of Spoon River whose life is destroyed by karma is Dora Williams. She has had several husbands who have mysteriously died, and she inherited their fortunes
will be found out (Proverbs 10:9). Spoon River Anthology, by Edgar Lee Masters, is a collection of epitaphs revealing dark secrets about the residents of Spoon River. As readers go through each passage, it reveals more secrets and connections, these secrets disclose relationships, deaths, and lies between the townspeople. People's actions often reveal hidden truths, as these emerge, the consequences of these actions become evident. Many townspeople in Spoon River make poor choices, which eventually
The “Innocent” Spoon River Anthology. “Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn.” is exactly what Drake, a Canadian rapper, sang in his song Pound Cake. Well looking at every mistake or evil idea a person decides to commit, karma always has a way of coming back, and karma never strikes kindly. The karma within the book “Spoon River Anthology,” written by Edgar Lee Masters, the characters of Dora Williams’ lost love, Butch’s arrogance, and Dr. Meyers’ karma didn’t all strike as they expected
the future. In Spoon River Anthology, Edgar Lee Masters writes about a wide variety of emotions and experiences expressed in a small town known as Spoon River. The characters in Spoon River discuss their true feelings to the reader, but they later reveal that their past actions come back and hurt their future lives. The emotions range from hate and rage, to love and kindness. This is all shown through their connections with other people in the town. Many characters in Spoon River disrupt the flow
In Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology, the portrayal of characters’ lives and deaths reveals deep layers of irony, particularly evident in the character of Dora Williams and the demise of Butch Weldy. The depiction of Dora Williams, a woman wronged and misunderstood, along with Butch Weldy’s ironic fate, illuminates the thematic exploration of justice and the consequences of one’s actions. Dora Williams’ story encapsulates a poignant irony. Described as a victim of societal judgment and personal
which is before it, beside it, under it, and over it.” Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters unveils a clandestine community in Spoon River. Truths and secrets are uncovered through epitaphs. Each individual undergoes a life-changing experience, usually tied to another in the story. Strange experiences occur, such as unspeakable accidents or the stripping away of a person’s glory. Various unexpected events cause numerous people in Spoon River to make poor decisions, resulting in their ultimate
dictates their origins. The Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters is not anything different in that regard. Every piece of writing has it’s origins and those origins can be not only interesting, but change the way the reader views the writing. This paper will not only discuss the origins of the famous Anthology, but show Edgar Lee Masters’ personal side of the origins and how those instances influenced his writing of The Spoon River Anthology. Edgar Lee Masters was born on August 23, 1868 on
Human Emotions in Spoon River Anthology Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters is a collection of epitaphs that reflects the lives of the townspeople of Spoon River. The production of the anthology was a result of a psychological encounter Masters had experienced. Although the crisis is not specified, it began after spending a beautiful weekend in Chicago with his mother in May 1914. During the stay, Masters and his mother had recalled past events and people. After he walked his mother to the
Spoon River Anthology The Spoon River Anthology, written by Edgar Lee Masters in 1915, was a unique piece of work in both style and structure. There are over two hundred “stories” told by the dead people who once lived in the town of Spoon River. The lives and dreams of these people are written as poems. The poetry itself is an excellent example of early modernist style. Since there are many people from many different backgrounds, and even different generations, (There are examples of Old
“Immortality is not a gift, immortality is an achievement, and only those who strive mighty shall possess it.” (Edgar Lee Masters). In the novel, Spoon River Anthology, by Edgar Lee Masters, the complex lives of the townspeople living in Spoon River are told through a collection of epitaphs belonging to those in the community who have died. The community’s scandals and tragedies live infinitely through their epitaphs, creating a twisting web of scandal, drama, and deception. Throughout the epitaphs
Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters, has many different themes illustrated throughout the many poems written in the book. One theme that is pictured quite often when reading these poems is, Life. There were many, many poems in Spoon River Anthology that contained Life as the main theme. Lucinda Matlock, The Hill, and Griffy the Cooper, were my three favorite epitaphs that all show this theme. Lucinda Matlock, the first epitaph that the main theme of the poem is Life. She was a woman married