Eating Healthy Case Study

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Eating healthy in a corporate world
Business meetings, trying to keep up with a client’s deadline, more business meetings, this is a day in the life of a typical corporate employee, boss, no matter what the designation. It is not difficult to surmise that with such a hectic schedule one will not think twice of what one is eating. Are there enough breaks between the endless staring at computers for hours?
Being healthy and fit is one of the biggest challenges faced by people involved in the corporate sector. A great deal of one’s health depends on the diet and snacking on frozen dinners, potato chips, burgers and energy drinks will only tire one’s body and its health in the long run. The problem arises when people are so used to this sedentary …show more content…

Here are some tips that we can get by.
1. Although it is easier to buy junk food, make that extra effort to plan your meal so that you could eat something that is healthy.
2. Always carry a water bottle around sometimes, while working, we tend to forget to drink water for a long time.
3. Keep granola bars, dry fruits or fruit and vegetable salads at your desk so that it is always to your reach.
4. Moving around, getting away from that file or laptop for a few minutes will not just refresh you, but will give exercise to your body as well.
5. Nothing substitutes a nutritious salad or a wholesome meal from home. If you happen to stay away from your family or if you’re too busy to pack your lunch, there is a whole list of startups that deliver home-cooked food along with fresh salads. Try engaging with these startups instead of ordering from fast food joints which are absolutely unhealthy.
6. Your client can wait for a few minutes. Close your eyes, sit back and relax for a minute or two every other hour. Doing this clears one’s mind and keeps one active.
7. Make sure your back is aligned against the back of your office chair. Try not to slouch and lean

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