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Early childhood education philosophy
The importance of good early childhood education
The importance of good early childhood education
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Recommended: Early childhood education philosophy
Early childhood education is one of the most important policy topics out there. Research has proven that the early years in childhood is a critical period for opportunity to develop a child’s full potential; as well as form academic, social, and cognitive skills that determine not only success in school but also their entire life (The White House). The right to a free, public education is guaranteed to all children in the United States. Early education is voluntary, and therefore some children are not given the opportunity to reach their full potential. As a staffer of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, I believe that promoting and investing in effective and high quality education programs that are affordable is the most beneficial position on this topic. We stand by our mission on this issue and work to achieve a high-quality system of early childhood education (NAEYC). First of all, is the research behind how important and critical learning is in early stages of life, as well as how it reflects outcomes later down the road. Throughout childhood, developing communication skills and capacities for learning support other critical improvements. Even before children enter grade school, weak academic skills are found to be associated with behavioral and attention problems (The National Academic Press, 124). Educational outcomes in adolescence can be traced back to academic skills attained years later when entering school. (The National Academic Press, 125) It is clear that early involvement with learning and development is very beneficial and affects many aspects of life. It does not predetermine our lives, but rather sets the stage for healthy development. What is learned early in life establishes a set ... ... middle of paper ... ...pr. 2014. . "Early Learning." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. . Olsen, Darcy. "Preschool Attendance by Young Children Is Unnecessary." Policy Report #201: Assessing Proposals for Preschool and Kindergarten: Essential Information for Parents, Taxpayers and Policymakers. Phoenix, AZ: Goldwater Institute, 2005. Rpt. in Family. Ed. Karen Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Children need preschool in its most basic essence: to define motor skills, achieve basic socialization skills, and to learn the alphanumeric system that will undoubtedly help improve their understanding in the grades to come, allowing for the advances in education that America desires and certainly needs. Making preschool mandatory as part of the education reforms that America so desperately requires will combat the lack of educational programming that exists and allow children to receive education at a younger age than they would have in a home where education is not a main family focus.
Vignette two: Families who previously had children enrolled in a nearby preschool have told you stories of what happened to their children in that center. They describe dirty sheets on the cribs, harsh punishments including withholding food, and ratios of twenty children to one adult. One day you drive by and see a lot covered with asphalt and dry grass. There are a few rusting pieces of playground equipment. Several children are standing along the chain link fence looking at the cars going by. There are no adults in sight.
I am a firm believer that the quality of the child care directly affects the child’s development in the classroom. By eliminating the need for competing preschools to continue to improve their curriculum and to remain relevant in the field of early childhood education, we risk falling into the same trap K-12 education has fallen into. In other words, individual classroom freedom will be lost when teachers are forced to follow the governments blanket and mandatory regulations. I choose this concept because I feel it is important to allow a wide variety of options to families in order for them the find the right fit for their
Early childhood education, although constantly evolving, was actually established and practiced as early on as the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. The foundation that early childhood education is based upon is to instill in children the skills needed to succeed later on in life, while making sure young children enjoy their time in schooling. Throughout chapter 3 in the textbook Who Am I in the Lives of Children, the reader is capable of evaluating just how greatly the methods for teaching today’s youth have evolved and changed for the better.
Another factor parents may not look into when finding a preschool is the curriculum that will be taught. “Despite decades of federal, state, and local programs intended to support young children’s preparation for schooling, children from low-income families continue to begin formal schooling at a disadvant...
Two-thirds of 4-year-old children in the United States attend preschool, as well as 40% of 3-year-olds (Tejada, 2010). Half of those are enrolled in a public program, such as state prekinde...
Lee, B. G. (2008). Early Childhood Education: The Early Years. California : National Social Science Press .
If we had a tool that would improve our children's performance in school and social settings, lower the crime rate, lower teenage pregnancy, and save taxpayers' money, who wouldn't want to use it? Preschool is that tool, but few people pay attention to or care about preschool's potential benefits. For many parents, preschool is a valuable asset, providing their children with social play, fun, and an experience within a school-like setting. Children in preschool learn social skills like respect for authority, listening, and sharing; they also benefit from interaction with peers, which results in improved language and relational skills. Unfortunately, many parents simply cannot afford the expensive cost of private preschools, and there are few other options. Children are valuable as the future of the country, but the government has largely ignored them. Whether at the federal or state level, the government needs to create a free preschool available to all families.
Preschool isn't just a place for parents to drop off their children while they are at work for the day. It is in preschool where children learn the necessary skills needed to succeed in school and in life. With high-quality preschools and qualified teachers the possibilities are endless. It's not only the children who reap the benefits of Early Childhood Education; their parents, fellow peers, and even society feel the positive effects of quality preschool programs. Children enrolled in quality preschool programs are more likely to succeed academically and socially when they are older.
While walking through the front gates of County elementary school, you see children of all ages playing while they wait for the school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parent’s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom.
This research report presents an analysis of and conclusions drawn from the experiences and perspectives of two educators that work in the early childhood setting. The main objective is to identify key elements and issues in relation to the families, diversity and difference. In particular how an early childhood educator implements, different approaches to honour culture and diversity, and to advocate for social justice in an early childhood settings. As such, it allows an insight into the important role that families and their background plays in the everyday lives of the children and educators within early childhood settings. In today’s ever-changing growing society it is essential for educators to be flexible to the diversity and differences with families of today. Gaining an insight into way that educators view and approach these important elements will enable the readers to understand that diversity and social justice is not only interwoven into today’s education system but also the educators themselves.
“Universal preschool” is a need for American’s because the cost of sending a child to a preschool is too much for most families (Wolfe and Scrivner 113). Roughly 49.3% of children of the ages three and four in America are enrolled in preschool (Percent of Population Ages 3 and 4 who are Enrolled in School: Census 2000 para 1). To send a child into daycare the cost of it is around $150 per week, and for three children in a preschool program is around $350 per week. Parents should not have to pay this much for their children to go to preschool. Children who go to preschool have a greater chance to become successful in the future, and missing out on the opportunity to become more successful can ultimately hurt the child in the...
Curriculum is the organized framework that explains the content that children are to learn, the processes through which children achieve the identified curricular goals, what teachers do to help children achieve these goals and the context in which teaching and learning occur. The best curriculum for early childhood teacher is developmentally appropriate curriculum that allows teachers to set-up an effective learning environment for children.
In this assessment I will be talking about the principles and philosophy of Frobel and Montessori, what they have in common and differences, there contributions to Siolta and my own thoughts in relation to early childhood education and their impact on the learning environment
Early childhood education plays a key role in a child’s academic development because he or she learns soft skills, job skills, and develop positive traits. Preschool is not like kindergarten, but instead a stepping-stone that prepares young students for the years of schooling they will have later in life. As more schools began to open families wanted to be able to verify that programs would benefit and protect their children. In response, the National Association for the Education of Young Children was made to help families find the best care for their children, by providing the early childhood educators with training and ensuring the quality of children’s daily experiences. (“NAEYC”5).