Dying To Be Thin: Video Analysis

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Eating disorders are a very serious increasing problem that an individual may develop. Eating disorders can be characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, refusal to eat, and even frantic efforts to avoid weight gain such as purging as discussed by the National Institute of Mental Health (2014). Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are discussed within the video Dying to Be Thin. Throughout the video emotions and anxieties over having an extremely slender, narrow body structure are discussed by women who are in the dancing profession. It is explained throughout the video about how much pressure there is on these women to be shaped a specific way for the looks of a performance. What resonated most with me while watching the video Dying to Be Thin is the idea of how much social media and outside sources can have an effect on one’s thoughts …show more content…

It is expressed throughout the video that the concept of food becoming a comfort for an individual undergoing mental stress or trauma is something that could have a major effect on the mental and physical health of this specific kind of person. What resonated most with me while watching this video is the importance of how abuse, trauma or neglect can place so much strain on an individual throughout their life, and how one’s coping mechanisms may be affected by this. Using food as a comfort source is something that is displayed in everyday life; for example the concept of comfort food, midnight snack, or soul food. Throughout the video Binge Eating Addiction it is shown that every time the individual felt down about himself the only way he could pick himself back up mentally was by eating mass amounts of food in a short period of time. It really interested me that this individual talked about how his past trauma and neglect as a child made him presently turn to food as comfort for his

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