Women Eating Disorders Essay

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Due to the media’s influence, women establish perplexed views of their own bodies, leading to the development of eating disorders. Eating disorders are massive issues within today’s society. The author, Sheila Lintott emphasizes in her article, “Sublime Hunger: A Consideration of Eating Disorders beyond Beauty”, that eating disorders are the “most dangerous mental disorders, resulting in a six time more likely risk of death, which is four times the death risk of major depression” (Lintott 78). Because women are striving to look thinner, they tend to follow an unhealthy lifestyle. They begin self-starvation in fears of becoming fat. Unfortunately, due to beauty related pressures, there has been an increase in body dysmorphic disorders. Body …show more content…

Women are suffering from dissatisfaction, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and body dysmorphic disorders. However, there are solutions to this problem. Instead of concentrating on losing weight and going on extreme diets to meet an impractical ideal of beauty, we can promote healthy lifestyles. This will eventually allow women to feel happier with themselves. We will potentially see a decline in the number of eating disorder cases. People can share other forms of positive media , like the DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty, to fix the current issues on how women today are bombarded with destructive messages and images of beauty. More celebrities and supermodels could use their voice and speak out on eliminating the constant struggle to be thin. Additionally, feminist or political organizations can start movements against pro-ana websites or other damaging uses of technology. There should be a requirement for companies to publish a symbol on photos that have been airbrushed, just like labels on records and games that show they are violent. The media has a strong network, where the general public can produce their own content. Women must use their power to spread knowledge that unrealistic beauty standards are not beneficial and just bring

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