Drug Use Essay

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Drug use has been around since the B.C. era and will continue until the extinction of man. Humans have a history of using drugs that affect the mind and vision and that aspect of humanity still continues to this day. “Since the dawn of history, mankind has found ways to relieve the daily grind of life.” The earliest known use of drugs dates back to the ancient city of Mesopotamia where the farming of wheat and barley came a product known as beer. The ancient Mesopotamians would indulge on the beer and get drunk creating a problem with alcoholics for the ancient city. This is not uncommon to see, mankind has always had an experimental side. If it wasn’t for that experimental side civilization would not be where it is today. Humans used drugs in the past in the medical field, such as cocaine to alleviate toothaches, or opium which was also cultivated by the Mesopotamians as a relaxing plant. Even ancient Greece used a special mixture of beer to induce hallucinations, or they would also partake in using opium to stimulate their minds and get the creative flow started. Ancient Rome was also known to be a civilization that had a large population of drug users. Drugs in the past weren’t always used just for recreational use; they did have a part in the medicinal field. Doctors of ancient times would give the patients a prescription depending on their ailments. Opium was used as a headache medicine, pain reliever or even a stress reliever. The use of opium has even been used up until recently in the civil war in the United States, even former President Harrison was given opium to try and help with pneumonia. Opium is also the plant that morphine is derived from, which is used in the medical field today as a powerful pain reliever. Drugs ... ... middle of paper ... ...cs in those towns where the crime is more likely to happen, especially violent crimes such as Home Invasions. With higher crime rates and low solvability rates makes the law enforcement agencies look bad and may affect grants that they may receive. Agencies such as the DEA and Border Patrol help reduce the amount of drugs entering the United States but it is simply too big of a job for two agencies, considering the drug users will not stop using drugs the trade will still be around. Throughout the ages mankind has had a history of using substances to alter their view on the world or the way they felt. Drugs will never disappear; society may accept them or continue to consider them unacceptable. Certain cultures allow for the use of drugs at home or even for their job such as a shaman. There is no negative stigma associated with partaking in recreational drug use

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