Driverless Cars Research Paper

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In this new age of technology, things are rapidly advancing before our eyes. Cars are one means of transportation that continue to improve and make the driving easier on the human drivers. The lastest invention that is being tested is that of driverless cars. Imagine taking a long road trip and no one having to worry about the driving; everyone can be productive in one form or another on the trip. This concept is an advanced one and the method behind it is rather complex, but it could be a good thing once all of the kinks are worked out. Driverless cars is a mortifying concept to old fashioned people and even people who have common sense because there are still so many ways that things could go wrong. Learning about how driverless cars work, …show more content…

Although technology is always advancing in nearly every area and people do not often understand how it works, driverless cars are one complex process that can be broken down to make sense. The idea that the car can sense other things and essentially drive itself is evident, but how it works is deeper than that. To begin, the car has a radar attached to it that can track the distance of nearby objects. In doing so, the car knows when it can change lanes, how close it is to the car in front of it, and avoid other inanimate objects. A windsheild camera detects the line patterns on the road and sends a vibration through the car when it detects that the car has drifted into another lane. Essentially, that feature is strictly to notify the driver of the car that the car needs to be adjusted prior to a wreck occuring. The next feature of the driverless car is called a LIDAR sensor. …show more content…

Currently, companies like Google are BETA testing the driverless cars on public roads and have been since 2012. They are making the cars look similar to the ones that are drove currently, but have bigger and better layout plans. Driverless cars in the future are expected to have a wider layout for more comfort, as the driver will be more obsolete as well as the gas and break pedals. Another possiblity that is being debated about these futuristic vehicles is that they could essentially replace taxis and uber drivers. The cars are already programmed with a type of GPS, so if they can detect where to pick individuals up at, the need for taxis will drop. One company, Tesla, has developed a car that has an autopilot function that is similar to cruise control. The major difference is that auto pilot not only maintains speed, but it also can control the steering of the car. This car provides the potential to make long dirves more productive, as the drivers can sleep or work on other things while travelling. At this point, there is not commercial use of driverless cars, but they will soon arrive on

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