Driverless Cars Research Paper

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Driverless cars are the next step into the future. Driverless cars have began to use various forms of technology Driverless cars work in various ways. "Many of the vehicles use what is called Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) — a rotating laser, usually mounted on the roof, that continually scans the environment around the car. Traditional radar is also used for detecting distances to objects and cars, as are various cameras, accelerometers, gyroscopes and GPS, which are all used in conjunction to build a 3D picture of the environment around the cars drive them selves" Using a laser to assist the car to see it's surroundings is genius. In other words, driverless cars work with their surrounding areas, and require various parts. These driverless cars are required to interact with humans' and their driving. Driverless cars still face limitations such as, the weather, hackers, and the miscommunications between human driving habits. Technology today has expanded and began to shape the future for our world. …show more content…

An example of these limitations is the weather. The weather can create visibility problems for the driverless car and begin to mess with the scanner. "Rain can reduce the range and accuracy of laser-based Lidar sensors, obscure the vision of on-board cameras and create confusing reflections and glare." There are other forms of weather that interfere with these driverless cars, inclusing fog, snow, and hail. Other limitations deal with hacking, and other humans. As the cars become more hi-tech, they become more vulnerable to hackers. These hackers can swerve, slow down or speed up the vehicle. Other factors play a role in the limitations driverless cars face. Depsite these limitations, driverless cars are amongst us, driving through our cities. Driverless cars are breaking technology barriers and are making history. Leading the way for more technilogical

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