Google Driverless Car Research Paper

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Since the early 1930's, the evolution of computer technology has come a long way. The past 70 years have been an amazing leap towards the technologic world we live in and will vastly continue to grow. In today's world, we have electronic devices that can be connected to other devices and networks such as WIFI, Bluetooth, 3 and 4g networks, which are commonly known as smart devices. Imagine a world where you can get in your car without the worry of driving alongside drunks and teenagers. The once fictional dream of riding a driverless car is now becoming a reality, with many large companies including Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, BMW, Audi, and Google, currently investing in the development of this contraption. What is a driverless (or autonomous) …show more content…

Google is taking the next big leap forward with something that will change the world forever. It is an invention that might be their most innovative product yet, the Google driverless (smart) car. “Google first announced its driverless car division in 2010, and has been testing its technology in modified cars built by other manufacturers.”(Miller) When this technology is in full production around the world, it will impact our daily lives like never before. Google was not the first company to attempt this breakthrough technology. “It all started in the 1960s when scientist created the Stanford Cart, meant as a potential lunar rover, it was able to cross a room without help in five hours.” This car will bring an evolution in travelling from one place to other. There hundreds of benefits of self-driving cars like they will reduce traffic, accidents, saves fuel and, follow rules …show more content…

Secondly, it will solve problem of drink and drive. First off, it’s important to understand how big of a problem drunk driving is. For a little context, in 2014, approximately 90 people died every day from all automobile collisions, so it’s reasonable to say that drunk driving represents about one-third of all automotive deaths. Self-driving cars could also encourage a completely new group of people to own vehicles – for example, the elderly, the disabled and possibly those too young to drive themselves. This would increase the welfare of that demographic by giving them greater mobility. Even a blind person will be able to travel easily in those cars. Also there are many more advantages like it save tons of fuel because of less traffic, it gives you better-sitting adjustments, easy access to long journey, low maintenance and so

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