Dress Codes In Schools

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For many years, there has been a debate on whether or not schools and the workplace should have dress codes. There are positive and negative effects of these policies. Dress codes can in fact violate the rights and freedoms of an individual. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that Canadians have the freedom of religion under section 2(a). Some dress codes violate that right by enforcing a no hat policy. Sikh students cannot be told to take off their turbans at school. Their religion requires them to wear a turban and forcing them to remove it is a violation of their basic rights. To require someone to remove a turban, but not some else to remove a clothing item that has other religious symbols, ie: cross, is discriminatory against …show more content…

They believe that without dress codes, employees can wear “distracting” or discriminatory clothing and some may be bullied based on what they are wearing. Bullying can occur when a student can look different from the others. School uniforms allow everyone to look equal and therefore, bullying cannot occur. However, limiting freedom of expression should not be used as a method of preventing bullying. What someone is dressed in and bullying have no correlation and do not affect one another. Distracting clothing can be short skirts or shorts, midriff, low cut shirts and clothing that exposes bra straps and/or shoulders. Discriminatory clothing can vary among people. Clothing that has words written about race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation and many other characteristics, in a negative manner, can be considered discriminatory. As well, attire that is differentiated based on gender. At a Vancouver nightclub, a server, Andrea Mottu, was required to wear a bikini top for a Hawaiian-themed night. Mottu filed a complaint against the club on the grounds of gender discrimination. It was found that the nightclub had different gender standards. That night females were asked to wear clothing that had sexual implications whereas males were not. Furthermore, “distracting” clothing typically only restrict females. A teenage boy can go to school wearing a muscle shirt. Many teachers see this student, but do not tell him that he must change clothing as it is “distracting” for faculty members and others students. However, that same day a teenage girl wear a tank top to school. She is told she must go home and change her shirt or wear a sweater to cover up as she is distracting other students and staff. Why is she told to change, but not her male peers? Dress codes attack women, especially young women, and discriminates against women. Dress codes shame a woman’s body. When you tell a teenage girl to

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