Donald Trump Rhetoric

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Years from now, historians will look back at this period in American history as one of intolerable prejudice amongst a vast portion of the public and shortsightedness amongst many political leaders. Opinions and views of everyday life are influenced by an array of factors. Political Communicators use persuasion, an effective technique used to convince and alter ones attitudes and ideas towards another spectrum to achieve their goal. Often, an inaccurate message is presented to the audience designed to influence our beliefs and values.

Expert communicators may sometimes be perceived as trustworthy because they know a lot about the product they are selling. When a doctor recommends that we take a particular drug, we are likely to be influenced because we know that he or she has expertise about the …show more content…

Similar to the tactics used in Nazi Germany, Donald Trump is essentially demonizing all Muslims and blaming them for acts of terror, with little to no effort given to really understand the root causes and motivations for such terrorism (Mousavian, 2015). How can we obtain peace when we are wrongfully discriminating our citizens in a supposed “land of the free”? When we first hear these awful acquisitions we appropriately discount it, therefore the messages has little influence on our overall opinion. The issue occurs overtime, when the content is remembered to a greater extent than we remember the source of communication. As a result, we forget overtime to discount the remembered message. The attitude change overtime is known as the sleeper effect. The sleeper effect occurs when we initially discount the message given by an untrustworthy or non expert communicator but, over time, we remember the content of the message and forget its source(BOOK). The result is an attitude change in the direction of the initially discounted

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