Don T Give Up The Fight Theme Essay

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The short story, Don’t Give Up The Fight, shares a common theme with Kathrine Switzer’s life. The theme shared is being different. In Don’t Give Up The Fight, the theme being different is shown by Ava being the only girl on the track team. The theme being different was shown in Kathrine Switzer’s life because she was the first woman to run the Boston Marathon, even though people said women were not allowed and couldn’t do it. Even though Don’t Give Up The Fight and Kathrine Switzer’s life share the common theme of being different, they show it in different ways. In Don’t Give Up The Fight, Ava was discouraged and wanted to give up because she couldn’t deal with the bullying anymore. When in Kathrine Switzer’s life, she was always motivated and didn’t let what others said bother her.
The theme for Don’t Give Up The Fight is being …show more content…

Her life seems to show the theme of being different. An example of how this theme seems to fit her life is even her own coach did not believe a woman could run a marathon. He believed that the distance was too far for a fragile woman to run. Futhermore, this example illustrates how the theme, being different, would fit her life. Because she is different from all the other Boston Marathon runners in the past, most people doubt that a woman is equally capable as a man. Also she is different because she is the only female in the race. Another example that supports how the theme of being different fits her life is during an interview after her first Boston Marathon, she said, “Women deserve to run, too. Equal rights and all that, you know.” Not only was she different in the way that she was the only woman in the race, she was different because she wasn’t afraid to stand up for her rights. There were probably many other woman that felt the same way, but what made her different is she did something

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