Dominican Educator Reflection

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Throughout the semester I learned that becoming an elementary teacher will not be as simple as I once expected. There is a lot of dedication and passion involved when moving into the education field. This semester I was able to learn what it means to be a Dominican Educator through field experience, lessons in class, and experiences outside of class. Additionally, I was able to distinguish the qualities of a Dominican Educator I believe I already possess, and which qualities I need to improve on. To be a Dominican Educator, you must acquire the aspects of a scholar, a leader, and a person of service. As a scholar, you must demonstrate critical thinking and the concept of a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means you believe your talents …show more content…

As a future educator, I am willing to learn and improve. Although there were assignments that I found challenging, I was willing to ask for assistance and work my best in overcoming and completing those assignments. An assignment that I found challenging this semester was having to write a book review on “Inside Mrs. B’s Classroom”, by Leslie Baldacci. Although the reading itself was not difficult, what I found challenging was having to time manage when I would read the book, and having to write my first essay in APA style. However, I knew that assignment would benefit me in the future in the manner of learning how to write a paper in APA style and practicing my time management skills. Considering the qualities of a leader, I believe I succeeded in my field experience and my collaboration skills. In my field experience I was able to learn the importance of listening to every student and the teaching of procedures. Furthermore, this semester I was able to work in collaboration with my peers. For instance, in my seminar class we had a group presentation, and we were able to excel in organizing and presenting. Additionally, I was also able to work in collaboration to create and present the micro-teaching lesson. These assignments were able to be completed not only by my peer’s collaboration, but my input and effort as well. Lastly, as a person of …show more content…

Although I have been able to improve and grow in my critical thinking throughout the semester, I still need to practice throughout the rest of my time at Dominican University. I hope to improve my critical thinking skills, specifically in my future English 102 class, as well as in any other classes where I am required to write essays. When looking at the leadership aspect of being a Dominican Educator, I need to improve my public speaking skills. Even though I accept the responsibilities of being a future educator, I must progress in my confidence. Through increasing my confidence, it will allow public speaking to become less challenging. The way I hope to improve my public speaking skills is by taking workshops on leadership and public speaking. Also, I will attempt to take opportunities that allow me to public speak because the further I practice, the less nervous I will become as time goes on. Lastly, when considering the aspect of a person of service, I hope to progress my professional behavior. When having to teach the micro-teaching lesson, I used unprofessional language when referring to the class. Instead of referring to the class as “class” or “students”, I said “you guys”. Despite the fact I was not purposely attempting to use informal language, if I were in a real classroom, it would not have been acceptable. Because I use informal language so

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