Domesticated Pigs History

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Pigs are one of the most complicated animals on the planet and are structured very similar to humans. Humans depend on pigs to this day for their multiple uses. We will discuss where pigs were originated, why they are called what they are, and what they do for us. The domesticated pig originates from Eurasia and is an important role in the food chain. It has supplied many people with food for them to survive. Pigs were domesticated nine thousand to ten thousand years ago. They were loved and worshiped by many tribes before the development of the United States. The very first domesticated pig was originated from the Eurasian boar (Giuffra, E., J. M. Kijas, V. Amarger, O. Carlborg, J. T. Jeon, and L. Andersson). In southeastern Europe it is know as the main food supply. In …show more content…

They remember everything and are super smart. If given enough room they will typically not go to the restroom near their sleeping or eating quarters. They love being social no matter what and they always will keep you company. The best part of it all is that they show compassion and forgiveness to their owners. They are one of the most recommended pets to families in America. Even if the pigs have a wild personality, you will still find a way to love them. Domesticated pigs highly depend on their owners to care for them. Pigs are now growing into a sport. As some people may know there is an organization called the FFA that helps young students get involved with this. The student basically pays for the food, medical, bedding, and anything they need to take care of that pig and raise it. Once they do that they enter a show and compete for who has the best looking pig. There is a series of requirements to win such as how they walk, how they look, and if you can control them. This has been a tradition for nearly a hundred years. The association was founded in 1928 designed to help young agricultural

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