Fairy Tale Of The Three Little Pigs Analysis

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In the 1890’s, somewhere in England “The Story of the Three Little Pigs” was created. In this fairy-tale, an old sow sends out three pigs to find their wealth. Firstly, while establishing their wealth, the pigs came across this man that supplied them with material to build their houses. Therefore each pig begins to build their own house, either out of straw, sticks, or stones. The pigs soon after came across the wolf and he blows down the first two pigs houses and eats the pigs. Secondly, there is one pig left, but his house is too strong to blow down. The wolf then tries to outsmart the pig by sending him to different locations to meet him instead of trying to blow down his house. On the other hand, the pig ends up outsmarting the wolf by showing up an hour early to all the destinations. Lastly at the final destination, the fair, the pig scares the wolf by rolling down a hill in a butter churner out of fear of seeing the wolf coming towards the fair. In the end, the wolf got fed up with the pig and declared to eat the pig by climbing through the chimney. The pig once again outsmarts the wolf by putting a pot of boiling water under the chimney and the wolf ends up falling in. The pig, then proceeded to eat the wolf. The third pig ate the wolf as a survival tactic when the wolf declared to eat the pig by using his wits to outsmart
The third pig outsmarts the wolf by building a stronger house, thinking on his feet and one step ahead of the wolf, and by scaring the wolf at the fair to overall change the outcome of the story’s ending by eating the wolf. Utilizing his wits to outmaneuver the wolf, then scaring the wolf and ultimately eating the wolf portrays the third pig using survival tactics. As said by Carrie Ryan from her novel The Dark and Hollow Places, “Survivors aren't always the strongest; sometimes they're the smartest, but more often simply the

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