Does Technology Undermine Communication?

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People in today’s world rely too heavily on the convenience of new communication technologies including emails, texting, and social media. Whilst the importance of these mediums and the way to which they have transformed modern communication cannot be denied, the importance of face-to-face communication and the benefits it provides must not be negated. Communication is a key element of human nature and ‘we communicate for many many reasons, these can be simplified down to three; to persuade, to inform, and to express. (Harper 2014)’ Technology aids the efficiency and frequency to which information is shared but can diminish the three main purposes of communication; to inform, express and persuade, decreasing it's quality. This essay will discuss the benefits and the detriments that have arisen from the introduction and use of technology in regards to the three main purposes of communication.

Persuasive communication seeks to have an effect upon the receiver and is commonly defined as goal oriented communication. Technology has enabled information to be shared among far more people than face-to-face communication could ever achieve, through mass media broadcasting. By utilising technology to increase the efficiency and ability to persuade is often seen in advertising, public relations and politics. Advertising takes advantage of the ability technology grants of being able to communicate with masses of people easily and efficiently and uses mass media to present images in order to persuade customers to purchase their products. Social media can be used to present a positive image or a ‘mask’ of a person. A person can use this to their advantage as they can manipulate how other people interpret them thus communicating an altered rep...

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