Doctrinal Statement Of Scripture Essay

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PREFACE I) We unequivocally acknowledge the Christian Bible as the very inspired-written Word of the living God, given to mankind and comprehending the Godly priority and importance of knowing and obeying it's truths; We are, therefore, passionately committed to teaching Scripture in truth with clarity, and do diligence under the anointing and the illumination of the Holy Spirit with the divine authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.
II) Henceforth, we know and are fully convinced that our Divine-calling mission and central goal in relation to the body of Christ and to all who have ears to hear is the continuous in-parting of biblical truth. When the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, is preached in expository fashion and systematically inparted, in season and out of season with constancy and doctrinal soundness, the children of God become equipped with the truth, becoming mature saints, who not deceived and tossed to and fro by …show more content…

Henceforth, fighting the good fight of faith in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ into maturity in sound doctrine and the works of faith IV) The following doctrinal statement of faith embodies what we believe to be the very core-essential doctrines of the historic Christian faith. These essential doctrinal truths are at the very foundation and heart of our teaching ministry. Having said that we do not shy away from expounding on the whole counsel of God's written Word. We believe that all of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is profitable and valuable for all believers today. Therefore, we take as our motto in the exposition of the full counsel of God's Word the statement written by (Rupertus Meldenius, A.D. 1627) "In essentials: unity, in non-essentials: liberty, and in all things: charity.

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