Divorce Case Study

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Divorce can be a very draining process involving a conglomerate of variables, that can affect a child directly or indirectly. As a definition, divorce is the action of legally dissolving a marriage, but when children are added to the equation, the divorce process takes a different route. In the united states, divorce rates are higher that in other countries around the world, with a 40 % of children of varying ages experiencing their parents’ legal separation (Santrock, 2013, p.308).
Children respond differently to their parents divorce depending on their age, the circumstances of the divorce, their temperament, parenting styles, and the level of attachment to each of the parents (Nair, 2005, p. 933). It is also possible that changes to family …show more content…

A situation where the parents are fighting constantly, levels of stress are high, and verbal or physical abuse is present can make the child more aware of what is transpiring in their parents relationship and have negative consequences. On the other side, the divorcing couple where arguments are rationalized, common grounds are found, and the well being of the child is put first can provide a positive environment, and a subsequent positive effect on the child’s behavior. These situations can be related to E. Mark Cummings’ emotional security theory in which there is a variation in “negative marital conflict involving hostile emotional displays and destructive conflict tactics, and positive marital conflict as marital disagreement involving calm discussions and working together on a solution” (Santrock, 2013, p.308). Both of the exposed situations are related to the level of attachment of the child to the parents or the primary …show more content…

Parental conflict can also be a source of stress, and can hinder the relationship between the parent and the child, and consequently affect the parenting style. Provided that the stressful, and hostile relationship between the two parents continuous, it can hinder the parent-child relationship. This can be seen especially with the parent that no longer lives with the child.
In conclusion, even though there are many variables that affect children during the time of their parents divorce, declines in parenting quality, high levels of parental conflict and the disruption parent-child relationship can affect the child’s development at the moment with bigger consequences in the future. Some of the adverse effects are being low psychological well being, lower academic achievement, and behavioral issues.
As a child that comes from a family of divorced parents, it has help me understand my behaviors after my parents separated, and how my parents dealt with it at the moment. Their behavior towards each other was somewhat hostile, because of the motives for the separation. However, their attitude change towards each other in an amicable way as time passed. Even though I might have been very harsh with my father around that time, he still was there when I needed and was responsible with any matter that had to do with my well

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