Conflicted Marriages Impact on Children's Life

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In our current society, children are experiencing negative effects of parental conflicts among married couples. The conflicts are either direct or indirect however, they result in several inefficiencies in cognitive development, behavior, and overall performance in the involved children. Nevertheless, research can possible prove that there is a incisive percentage of individuals who have derived from prior conflicting homes, and now exemplify the ideal successful lifestyle. It is in my interest and the interest of some other researchers that these individuals reach out to the younger portion of their connected counterparts in understanding/empathizing, mentoring and giving them direction to a better well-being.

Purpose of the Study

To assess if marital conflicts between parents has a direct dramatic negative affect on the outcome of their children. If there is an indirect negative affect on children, what are the causes of the indirect or displaced behavior of parents towards the child/children.

Literature Review

Researchers have conducted studies on how marital conflict is a significant source of environmental stress for children. There has been evidence of its indirect affects and direct affects. Witnessing such conflict may harm their stress response systems, affecting their mental and intellectual development. Research findings suggest that stress from marital conflict can hinder children’s development of cognitive ability.

The theme of the research includes finding supporting evidence that marital conflicts among parents does negatively impact child cognitive development. This particular literature was published on March 28, 2013. Due to this study being so vastly tested it is not the most current research done o...

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...dding stress to their lives. Additionally, they don’t learn good relationship skills from their parents because they seldom see them resolving their problems in an amicable way.” (How do marriage problems affect children?) My ultimate purpose is to advocate a positive impact on the lives of children that reside in conflicted homes as the result of former conflicted homes children’s appeals.

Works Cited

How do marriage problems affect children?. Retrieved from

Social change and the family. Retrieved from

Society for Research in Child Development. (2013, March 28). Marital conflict causes stress in children, may affect cognitive development. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 6, 2014 from

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