Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth

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Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth

When a child observes daily occurrences of violence across: news broadcast, radio, and public incidences, why society is so violent should not be the question, but how society can decrease youth violence should be explored. Today’s youth has an overwhelming burden to bear. Violence has increased in society and youth often are exposed to situations that end in violent acts. The family dynamic has changed significantly in the last 40 years: with increased divorce, single parent households, and blended families the variability for children to be unsupervised allows for increased exposure to violence as well as expressing violence. Societal acceptance of violent acts has also opens the door for children to face more violent situations. The constant growth of drug and weapon use among today’s youth has become a proponent of increased violence against this generation. Violence in society today is caused by decreased parental supervision, societal acceptance, and drug and weapon access.This essay will Understanding why the trend of violence occurs and how it changes the future of youth

The first topic to investigate in the increase of violence in society is family dynamics; children are more likely than ever to face a distracted family. The divorce rate has climbed greatly in the last decade. According to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri, “50% of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce.” (Baker, 2009) This would suggest that many children and their parents are facing extreme stress. When parents divorce they often become preoccupied with the situation, this may leave children fending for themselves or with ...

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...ce to grow and be successful, that is not always a right for today’s children. Parental influence should be the first line of defense to protect children. The increase in youth violence is directly related to demise of family values and structure. Society has allowed technology to take the place of parenting, making excuses rather than being accountable. Schools and communities are facing the end result from children not having the necessities for becoming a confident, loved, and properly discipline individual. It time society takes a whole of today’s youth and demonstrates a better example.

Works Cited

Ande, R. (2009). Gun Violence Among School-Age Youth in Chicago. University of Chicago Crime Lab , 1-3.

Baker, J. (2009). Divorce Rate. Missouri:

Foresman, C. (2010). Kids consume media as a full-time job—many getting overtime. ARS .

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