Dissolving Of Sugar Cube In Water Lab Report

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Purpose: To determine the effect of temperature, particle size and stirring in dissolving a sugar cube in water
Hypothesis: I think that the stirring rod and temperature will affect this the most. Warm water with the stirring rod will make the sugar dissolve the fastest. The crushed cube in warm water will dissolve the faster due to it already being seperated.
⦁ 2 Beakers
⦁ 4 Sugar cubes
⦁ 2 Sugar packets
⦁ Coffee stirring rod
⦁ Source of warm and cold water
⦁ Place to dump sugary water and clean beaker
1. Put 100 ml of cold water in beaker # 1 and recorded temperature
2. Put 100 ml of warm water in beaker # 2 and recorded temperature
3. Dropped a sugar cube into both beakers and recorded the time to dissolve.
4. Emptied both …show more content…

The most effective factors for dissolving sugar were water temperature (as colder water tended to increase the dissolving time), the stirring rod (as it reduced the time to dissolve a massive amount) and if the sugar was a cube or from a packet (as the sugar from the packet dissolved quite a bit faster than the sugar cube).
4. We get sugar from sugar cane. Sugar has to be extracted from inside of it.
5. I think that I consume 100s of grams of sugar every day. Sugar is in almost every food item I find, so I must consume a very high amount of it per day. I could keep track of how much sugar i'm taking in by reading the label of every food item I eat and measuring how much of that food i'm consuming. I would then look at the nutrition facts and see how much sugar is in a serving to compare it to how much food I'll eat so that I can estimate the amount of sugar in the food that I would eat.
6. Sugar has a negative impact on human health. We crave more and more sugar, but the sugar only makes us feel worse. Because of this, sugary foods should be avoided. The least amount of sugar possible for you should be eaten each

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