Discrimination Against Women In The Workplace Case Study

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Pay Equity & Discrimination | Institute for Women's Policy Research. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://iwpr.org/issue/employment-education-economic-change/pay-equity-discrimination/ The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has been providing reliable data and information on the ongoing debate involving gender wage gap and women’s earnings. Women, on average, make up close to half of the American workforce. However, women only earn a portion of what men earn for a full-time job. The gender wage gap has made little progress in closing the twenty percent difference in pay between men and women. IWPR stresses that if the change towards equal pay for men and women continue at the rate it is going, it will take forty-one years for women …show more content…

The article stresses that discrimination against women in the workplace is a very tendentious and ongoing topic. The main topics that were discussed within the article included the history of discrimination against women in the workplace, studying the gender pay gap, current policies, and possible solutions to end the issue. In addition, they provided evidence of case studies that took place in the United States, Ivory Coast, Mexico, and India. The analysis of the case studies addressed the specific issues of discrimination in the workplace. Human Rights Advocates states that in order to decrease and prevent the discrimination against women in the workplace globally, we must provide legal analysis of gender discrimination in the workplace, then we must introduce policies that will conflict with gender discrimination, and provide possible solutions that could prevent the ongoing issue of gender discrimination of women in the workplace. This article was significant to my research because it directly addressed the issue of gender discrimination against women in the workplace. Additionally, it provided solutions that could prevent gender discrimination against women globally. Moreover, the article provided me with new information on the history of discrimination against women in the workplace and most importantly, solutions that could possibly end the

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