Discount Tire Argumentative Essay

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For those who are not involved or interested in what is going on in the motorcycle racing community, the positioning of Discount Tire may not be clear at all based solely upon this commercial. Whereas, those are in the psychological segmentation may attribute Discount Tire with being a leader in the automotive tire/wheel industry. Reasoning behind this would include the fact that their sponsorships cover two exceptional riders who seem to perform very well within the racing series week in and week out, as well as for the simple fact that they are the only company amongst their competitors to be advertising directly to this specific target audience. Through these advertisements, consumers with sparked interest may visit Discount Tire store locations or their website in which the consumers would venture and discover what Discount Tire is all about such as: customization and creating pleasurable experience for their consumers. When I think of Discount Tire’s number one …show more content…

It utilizes the keyboard/piano tone to help condition you for the speaker who is getting ready to talk. Fortunately, I don’t find it to be the time of persistent memory that is annoying to remember. Yet, due to the tone of the sound and the voices in the commercial it is actually quite relaxing or delightful because it is a commercial filled with joy from the two boys talking about their fathers encouraging them. You could almost claim the tone as a type of classical conditioning in the sense that it is also preparing you for someone to speak. Often times when consumers go to make purchases for products sold by Discount Tire, they do not do it with minimal thought. Yet, it may come to them to utilize Discount Tire with minimal thought due to their exposure to the commercial, it may be all that Discount tire needed to pop into the minds of the consumers in the specific point and time that they planned to make a new

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