Differences in Theory Needs

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Do you bake? Can you tell the difference between baking powder and corn starch? They are very similar in appearance; but if the incorrect ingredient is used in a recipe, the outcome can be disastrous. By comparison, the proposed needs of Maslow, McClelland and Deci and Ryan’s theories may all appear to be alike but are different in terms of motivating humans. The following discussion will differentiate the needs in each theory. Understanding and accepting the differences is necessary in order to make a recipe for success in motivating yourself and others.
Needs Theories
Maslow’s Need Theory
Maslow’s theory of needs is a progression of needs from physiological, safety, love, esteem, and ultimately self-actualization. The motivations behind the needs are for humans to fill a need(s) and be the best person they can be. Each level of need has a positive result if filled, or a negative result if not filled.
McClelland’s Need Theory
McClelland’s theory of needs is based on learning from life experience, coupled with negative and positive consequences. A person’s motivation and effectiveness in a job position is influenced by their learned needs of achievement, affiliation and power. The positive sides of these people are they prefer moderate levels of difficulty in their work; prefer to be successful in their efforts leaving nothing to chance, and welcome feedback about success and failure. The negative side is reluctance to take risks with job tasks, only want to work with equal achievers, and having personal power over others can breed reluctance from followers.

Deci and Ryan’s Need Theory
Deci and Ryan’s need theory stems from the self-determination theory (SDT). The theory describes three intrinsic needs in order to motivat...

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... 1960, followed by Deci and Ryan’s theory in 2000.
• Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators pertain to Deci and Ryan’s theory specifically. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are not mentioned in McClelland’s and Maslow’s theories.
The task for this assignment was to describe differences in needs proposed in Maslow’s, McClelland’s and Deci and Ryan’s theories. Understanding each need theory and motivations behind the theory, illustrate more commonality than differences. They differ in number of needs, order in meeting needs, learned versus innate, etc. The common aspects in each theory have positive and negative consequences; each theory evolves from the last theory written; all toward a common result, contentment of all people. So remember, when encountering people who are different, understanding and accepting their differences will benefit everyone.

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