Difference Between Database System and Information Retrieval System

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Information Retrieval is simply a field concerned with organizing information. In other terms, IR is emphasizing the range of different materials that need to be searched. Others researcher said that IR is the contrast between the strong structure and typing a database system with the lack of structure in the objects typically searched in IR. The actual process in information retrieval systems is it has to deal with incomplete or under specified information in the form of the queries issued by users. IR uses the techniques of storing and recovering and often disseminating recorded data especially through the use of a computerized system.
IR systems receiving such queries need to fill in the gaps of the user’s underspecified query. For example, user typing “nuclear waste dumpling” into the search engine such as Google is probably searching for multiple number of documents that describing the topic. Some of the documents might not archive what user need as the search engine search documents that relate to the three worlds only. The content being searched is typically unstruc...

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