People need information for various purposes. To accomplish this, information is organized in way that it can be easily recalled and retrieving the information fulfills a user’s information need. An information need evolves from awareness something is missing. In order to create better systems to facilitate the user interaction, the reasons and methods users employ to seek out their information needs must be understood.
This briefing enables the reader to understand the definition and importance of information seeking behavior, assumptions and factors affecting information seeking behavior, and current models of information seeking behavior.
Users develop information needs that are a gap in the current knowledge of the user. Information needs have also been described as anomalous state of knowledge which must be refined (Belik, Oddy, & Brooks 1982) and an incompleteness in the user’s picture of the world (Taylor 1968, p.181) These needs are the root of the problem for information seeking behavior. The concept of a need is mental process which exists only in the mind of the user.
Information seeking is a fundamental human activity in the pattern of collecting information and satisfying the users’ information needs. Information seeking behavior (ISB) can be defined how a user proceeds in gathering information from the recognizing a lack of knowledge to fulfillment of understanding.
Seeking information is not a straight-forward action. While attempting to find information, users can be described as in the information search process (ISP). How they go about this search process can be called an information seeking strategy.
Purpose and implications
It is necessary to identify and un...
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...information-seeking behavior in developing countries: a
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and implications for information professionals. School Libraries Worldwide, vol 9 (2),27-
Chapter one is an examination of different definitions of ‘information’ to support the concept of ‘informa...
...second using the search engine, people lose their motivation to read and the attention to think about the answer. (Crovitz 353) In Plato’s Phaedrus, Greek philosopher Socrates claims that people who get information without proper instruction as ignorant since they only conceit of the answer instead of the wisdom to find out and understand the answer. (Carr 341) With such access to information, we do spread information and expand human knowledge in a rapid rate. However, we lose our creativity, intelligence and the spirit of inquiry.
Information Literacy is an important skill for the 21st century do to our busy and always on the move schedules. Recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate the information, will help out when time is of an essence and the information needs information.
Leonard, Nancy H. "Information Processing Style and Decision Making." Journal of Organizational Behavior 20.3 (1999): 407-20. JSTOR. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.
Moreover, Carr’s article mentions that by using technology of any kind, users tend to embody the characteristics stimulated by that technology. He says that given that the Internet processes information almost immediately, users will tend to value immediacy. To explain, Carr gives the example of a friend of his named Scott Karp who was a literary major on college and who used to be an avid book reader. However, since the arrival of the Internet, Karp skim articles online because he could no longer read as much as he used too. He cannot pay attention and absorb long texts ever since he read online articles. Internet...
...some actually come through and provide information that can be shared. This information is what gives everyone an easier way of obtaining such information for it is much easier to look it up on the web than find out in person. While other look up this information back in the day people went to libraries where they read books for intel. The books in libraries are more likely to contain more information over the past than the internet these days due to how old the information is and how the internet wasn’t obtainable back in the day so no one could share it so instead they used writing utensils to record them in books to pass down to the future. Many agree that reading sync with the brain more often than the web just because its in our nature. I conclude my essay by recommending to read the information from books which contain more accurate intel than the internet.
In 2008, Americans consumed information for about 1.3 trillion hours, an average of almost 12 hours per day. Consumption totaled 3.6 zettabytes and 10,845 trillion words, corresponding to 100,500 words and 34 gi...
Now that we are living in an ever changing world, technology is viewed as the most resourceful tool in keeping up with the pace. Without the use of technology, communication would be limited to using mail for delivery and encyclopedias for research. Although technology has improved the way we communicate and find information for research, the information is not always valid. Unfortunately, for those of us who use the internet for shopping, research, or reading articles of personal interest the information is not treated the same as a your magazine or book. While such literature is reviewed by an editorial staff, internet literature or information can be published by anyone. In order to reap the full benefit of having the use of technology for any purpose, there are five basic criteria’s one must keep in mind as an evaluating tool for deciding whether or not the particular website is a reliable source for information.
In today’s fast paced technology, search engines have become vastly popular use for people’s daily routines. A search engine is an information retrieval system that allows someone to search the...
However, as time has moved on, research seems to support the proponents of the Internet, and can be explained by two changes in Internet use that have occurred since its manifestation. First off, an increase in the amount of Internet users has allowed for indi...
Turning to the issues related to information handling, the definition of the information management should be mentioned. According to Hinton’s perspective (2006, p.57) the information management is “the conscious process of gathering information”. A brief overview of the presumable information sources in a high-technology company can help to outline the situation. T...
In his essay, “Picking Nits on the Net,” John Oughton reminds Internet users that information on the Net does not have a guarantee of authenticity, so it must be carefully evaluated. Oughton gives some examples and also provides some useful advice on evaluating information on the Internet. Oughton’s writing is well supported by reasonable arguments, informative and very useful, and the examples that he uses are commonly encountered by most Internet users; however, sometimes he understates the advantages of valuable information on the Net.
Information Retrieval (IR) is to represent, retrieve from storage and organise the information. The information should be easily access. User will be more interested with easy access information. Information retrieval process is the skills of searching for documents, for information within documents and for metadata about documents, as well as that of searching relational databases and the World Wide Web. According to (Shing Ping Tucker, 2008), E-commerce is rapidly a growing segment in the internet.
Information Retrieval is simply a field concerned with organizing information. In other terms, IR is emphasizing the range of different materials that need to be searched. Others researcher said that IR is the contrast between the strong structure and typing a database system with the lack of structure in the objects typically searched in IR. The actual process in information retrieval systems is it has to deal with incomplete or under specified information in the form of the queries issued by users. IR uses the techniques of storing and recovering and often disseminating recorded data especially through the use of a computerized system.
The Internet’s influence on our lives has spread throughout. According a 2009 US Census survey 74% of Americans use the internet and have access within their household.A number that has increased every year since 1990 and will sure grow in the future. In this survey they relieved that they did various activities on the internet including social media, (Facebook and Twitter) researching and reading news articles, watching YouTube videos, shopping and so much more all can be done with a computer or Internet enabled phone. With this ease of use and convenience it casts a shadow upon the future of printed and broadcast information. The Web’s instant and vast knowledge bank has changed ...