Diagnostic Essay: The Way to Rainy Mountain

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Human beings are prone to having connections with everything that ever existed. For instance, you could have a profound connection with an object, an idea, geographical location, anything physical or spiritual; there are no boundaries to what a human can feel connected to. Some you may have reasons for, whereas some just come to you. “The Way to Rainy Mountain” shows the connection that the author, N.Scott Momaday felt with a certain place due to his culture and past. A connection can be established in such manner that it is not subject to an explanation. Place is one of the most common connection a human could have with nature. Just the eeriness of “place” develops such intense feelings for a person. Something accumulated without hesitation. For N.Scott Momaday, Rainy Mountain is significant to him because of/through the physical setting, the spiritual world, and his grandmother. Place can be mysterious, beautiful, calming, or sometimes it could sum up all of the feelings that someone could possibly have. For the Kiowas, the tribe the author is from, “place” presented itself with...

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