The Way To Rainy Mountain By N. Scott Momaday

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N. Scott Momaday, shares the cultural background of the Kiowa tribe in “The Way to Rainy Mountain”. He is a long descendent that has no experience with the tribe during their traditional era but from the stories he has heard from his grandmother, he feels more connected to the Kiowa culture. He spreads light about who the Kiowas were and described who his grandmother was as well. With the experiences he shared with his grandmother, likely influenced the person he is today. In the end he is happy and proud of who his grandmother was and will remain even after death. Momaday decides to take the fifteen hundred mile trip to Rainy Mountain that his people experienced many many years ago. The way to Rainy Mountain was a long and hard one for the Kiowa people. His journey began “from the headwaters of the Yellowstone River eastward to the Black Hills and south to the Wichita Monuntains” (Momaday 1). Along the way he stopped at historical landmarks like Devil’s Tower and pondered events that had taken place, ones he heard from his grandmother. However along the way, the Kiowa people faced ...

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