Devoted Son Themes

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How Do You See It? (Three Messages From the Short Story A Devoted Son by Anita Desai) There is an extremely wide variety of cultures throughout the world. It’s pretty obvious that from one country to another there will be some pretty major differences. The differences are pretty evident as well, you don’t need much help to be able to point out some differences. Even though there are many differences between cultures, they do have quite a bit of similarities as well. There is a lot more to people than we think. That is what is very interesting about humans, no matter what differences we have in the ways that we act we are all still human. In the end we will probably treat others in very similar ways, most of the time probably based upon how we are related to them. Anita Desai is an author that greatly attacks this point in cultural differences. She tries to often point out certain cultures and how they act. She does this very well in the short story A Devoted Son. In this …show more content…

Clearly in this story the son is devoted to his father. The crazy thing is that his father only thinks this at the beginning of the story, by the end his thoughts have changed. When you look at it from the son’s eyes, he is devoted the whole way through. The only thing that he is trying to do is please his father, his father doesn’t see it the same as him though. It is pretty evident when the father says, “Keep your tonic – I want none – I want none – I won’t take any more of – of your medicines. None. Never.” (Page 1429, Lines 8-9) I think that this happens a lot in our lives as well. It’s kind of an inexplicable feeling as well, there isn’t much you can do about it. Some people just don’t think that you are being as you should be while you on the other hand do. This story just greatly points out the different views on this, no one will agree on devotion in any type of

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