Descriptive Essay: The Concert In The Tiger Den

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I figured he’d have the concert during ROAR. Yes. We would be playing in the Tiger Den, exposed to the lunch room, crowded, eye level with everyone and lit up with that ugly fluorescent light. I wanted it to be in the auditorium. Reserved and all the attention on the band and on a separate day. ROAR was all about introducing every club, sport, and organization, whatever to the upcoming freshmen; which was why I was mad. While the band was playing everyone else would be obnoxious, loud, and gushing over typical things, like football players. I understand why Mr. Christy held it here, though; to get recognition. I found out early my freshman that the school only recognized any student as a human being with talent if you played a sport, are a cheerleader, or are in chorus. I can play three different instruments very fluently and yet I was considered “meh.” Jerks. However the real reason I was ticked was because of what was planned later. Three seniors, including Fisher Wilson, Jonica Brown and myself had a surprise for Mr. Christy at the end of the concert. We would play “songs My Mother Taught Me.” Of course Jonica would change the lyrics “my mother” to “Mr. …show more content…

“We have a special song that Mr. Christy doesn’t know about – sorry Christy.” Nothing like Fishers light hearted humor and clumsy grin to help shake off my nervousness. He continued. “In honor of everything Mr. Christy has taught us the last four years, we want to play him this song. It is called “Songs My Mother Taught Me.” We changed the lyrics to Mr. Christy for obvious reasons.” The remaining crowd chuckled. “I will now give the mic over to Skyler to give a few words.” I was on the stage, flute in hand and a microphone in front of my face staring into a very familiar audience. Everyone else had left except for the proud students and parents of band. I spoke, now feeling warm and

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