Herman E. Calloway Research Paper

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Famed cello player, Herman E. Calloway had an unexpected surprise at his band, rehearsal last week. His 10 year old grandson, Bud, had arrived from Flint to meet him. Bud traveled almost 115 miles to see his grandfather for the first time. “Where was his mother?” you might ask. Bud’s mother had died 4 years before after a deadly disease struck. Bud has an amazing story. After his mother’s death, he was put into “The Home”, an orphanage for young boys. After his third foster family put him in a shed infested with bees, Bud decided it was time to find his father. Before his mother had died, she left him a flyer with whom Bud assumed was his father, Herman E. Calloway. He attempted to take a train to Grand Rapids but missed it and tried to walk

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