Definition Essay: Why Safety Is Important To Me

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The word safety has many different meanings depending on the person and on the subject at hand. The simple dictionary definition is, “the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.” There is a much deeper meaning to the word safety. Someone can play things safely in a risky situation, be at a place of safety, be with someone who makes them feel safe, and much more. The word safety to me is resembled in a sigh of relief. It symbolizes a feeling free of worry and stress.
Safety can provide many different feelings. When I think of feeling safe I imagine warmth, comfort, and calmness. Calm like a sunrise on the beach and the only sound is the waves lightly crashing against the sand. It is also a feeling of being sheltered, guarded, and protected. Being safe means there is a theoretical shield around me, and nothing can cause any harm.
Loud noises, stress, panic, and worry, are all examples of what safety is not. Loud sounds, such as tornado sirens or blaring beeps from …show more content…

When I think of a place I feel safe I think of sitting next to a warm fireplace in a cabin up north surrounded by family and good friends. One person who can make me feel safe is my mother. When I am feeling vulnerable or even just having an off day, receiving a hug from my mom gives a sense of security in knowing this person is always going to be here for me. Another person that can resemble safety is someone’s significant other. Safety can be found in the idea that this person will never leave your side and they will go to great lengths to protect their love physically and mentally. A thing that resembles safety to me is a blanket. Not just a “blankie” that I have as a kid but simply sleeping with a blanket at night. Being covered up by something soft while I sleep makes me feel like I have a protective shield around me, and no one can break past it, and without the blanket I feel vulnerable and

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