In Life, We Don't Always Get What We Want

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Life isn’t going to go the way you want it to.” (Vanderwerf 1) Mark Weber said to a group of students over a live videoconference. Life has its ups and downs, and certain people get thrown harder than others, but we all have hardships that we must face. We flourish from our mistakes and the aching we face in our lifetime. But how do we do it, how do people keep pushing through when everything feels like it is ending? What is shouting at them in the back of their mind that keeps them moving forward?

Family plays an enormous role in people’s lives, and whether we like it or not our family helps shape us into who we are today. Many families were torn apart during the perilous 2004 tsunami that shook the earth and acquired many lives. When Dang was running, trying to escape the colossal wave that was ravaging her village, all she could contemplate was how to get back to her family. She did not stop to help other people, because she wanted to make sure her husband and children were unscathed. At one point, Dang ignored the warnings of a man who saved her, only thinking that, “…she needed to get home, and she needed to get there now.”(Krauss 127) Family provides unconditional love for most, and that love is something that we cling to in a hard-hearted world. Furthermore, a mother’s love for her child is undying and genuine. Nearly all mothers would give their lives for their children without a second thought. When facing disaster our loved ones are there cheering us on and holding us together. Family keeps us moving forward, and helps us overcome and conquer our worst fears and hardships.

The type of attitude we partake can have a huge effect on how we handle daunting times. A negative attitude can prevent one from overcoming fear...

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... as a stress reliever.(Avila 1) The fear of failing is one of these cases that can diminish us. Failure is not something that should be feared, but instead embraced as if an old friend. Everyone in the entire world has failed and will continue to make mistakes. Safe Haven reminds us that, “The good thing …, is that life is full of second chances.”(Safe Haven) When we fail, we should not be scared, but instead stay composed and wait for our second chance to arrive. “We are always on the brink of making it big or losing everything,” but that should not hold anyone back from overcoming obstacles or pushing forward. (James 1)

Life is not going to go that we want it to, but this fact should not keep us from overcoming fears or conquering any hardships. Family, fear, and a positive attitude can keep us going and assist us in triumphing over crosses that we might bare.

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