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The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
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H. L. Mencken wrote “the average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” I agree with this quote because of the deeper meaning it has behind it. In today’s society people do not seem to have ambitions or dreams that they want to pursue. A lot of people settle with a job that pays just enough to make a living or they do not go beyond their limits to get a higher education to be able to make more money. These people are overcome by fear. They are afraid to continue moving forward and taking risks. The quote itself can be translated into, an everyday person does not want to be happy and ambition. That person will settle with what will keep them alive. I agree with this quote for a few reasons. To begin, the people in today’s …show more content…
This can mean many things to different people depending on how it is interpreted. However, I interpret being free as being able to do whatever one desires with no worries at all. This only comes when a person has a great mind to believe that something greater is waiting for them after the hard battle they are dealing with is over. The determined minds that believe anything is possible if work is put in and there is no giving up. These are the people that will prosper and become “free”. Everyone is capable of doing this, it is just putting your mind to work. In today’s society, people are not as mentally tough as they were before. Their minds are too distracted by phones, computers, the internet, drama, and all they stressful and unnecessary things that are believe to be necessary. They are too caught up with these things that time is wasted and that time could have been used to work and plan something increible. Time is something that cannot be bought, it just goes and does not stop. The average person needs to be able to recognize this and then devise a plan to be able to do more than just be …show more content…
We all know that staying safe will keep us alive, but it is a boring way to live. The biggest regret a person can have is never trying what they always wanted. As mentioned before, time never stops, so it is crucial that they act now. We fight a battle before we are even born against millions of others to see who will get to the egg first and be fertilized and born. We did not come to this world to just be safe and to be afraid to do new things. We all have a reason to be here and the journey of life is to find our purpose in life. It is what makes life so great, but to get their we must take risks and overcome that fear. People are afraid of taking risks because of failure. They are afraid to fail and not get anywhere. However, that fear can be overcome is they keep pushing and keep trying and keep taking risks. Taking risks will get a person out of their “safe” comfort zones and the result of this can be something so
Mencken’s observations are very relevant and it applies to contemporary society. It is necessary to identify what it means by being “free”. Does being free mean that one has choice of religion and type of government? The type of freedom mentioned previously do not apply to mankind if mankind is not safe and is risk for danger. It is human nature to choose safety over freedom as shown in various examples.
According to Dictionary.com freedom means “the state of being uncontrolled by another, or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.” Freedom. What does freedom mean to you? Even though freedom means the state of being uncontrolled by another, or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint, I believe that freedom means being able to accomplish what you desire and when you desire it without anyone saying anything, by reason of the comparison and contrast of our society and the society in the book Anthem by Ayn Rand, the negation of the word freedom, and synonyms of the word freedom. I believe that you should accept the consequences of the actions you take when you have your “freedom” as well.
“The unexamined life is not worth living” and “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” I relate to both of this quotes because we all have purpose in our life. We plan out life to be certain way. I plan week in advance so I know what is going to happen this week, what is in plate that I have to take care of it before the time. You need to be control on your life not others. Some people just float though life. They think of their present but they don’t think for their future. They just do the stuff right now and later they will worry about other stuff. They are never ready for future outcome. Only you know how you want to live your life, it’s up to you how you want live it. As I say I plan week ahead for my classes, my work and my family. But it doesn’t always go as it planned. In life you always have to be ready to face some problem. If you live through the problems that is call living life. My dad always tells me that, if you accept the challenge, or face some bad time with smile on face, you will always come out of there and then even the big problems comes you will be ready for it. Don’t ever get nervous for the small problems. Life is made of good time and bad
According to the Collins Dictionary, “freedom” is defined as “the state of being allowed to do what you want to do”(“freedom”). The definition of freedom is simple, but make yourself free is not easy. Concerning about some common cases which will take away your freedom, such as a time-cost high education attainment. In this essay, I shall persuade that everyone should try his or her best to insist on pursuing freedom. For the individual, it appears that only if you have your personal freedom, can you have a dream; for a country, it seems that only if the country is free, can the country develop; for mankind, it looks like that only if people has their own pursuit of freedom, can their thoughts evolve.
With freedom comes great responsibility. This saying has been heard by generations of kids and has been said by generations of parents. Unfortunately people today don?t seem to be responsible in certain things they do. You see things in media today that make you wonder when you draw the line on things you say and do. William Golding the author of Lord of The Flies conveys this thought in the story of the boys stuck on the island where they have complete freedom to do whatever they want to do. They no longer had adults to tell them what and how to do things. The story just proves that when people are irresponsible and freedom gets abused that very bad things can happen.
Do you consider your life full of freedom?Perhaps you overlooked some freedoms and took them for granted. Freedom is defined as having the power or right to speak, think, or act without hindrance or restraint. There are many examples of freedom being demanded. Even America has had its share of wars for freedom from the Revolutionary war to the Civil war. Freedom is never given, but demanded.
He regretted all of the opportunities that he had missed and by the time he realized that he never lived his life, it was too late to live it to its fullest. Therefore, life should be lived to its fullest so that when it is over, there are no regrets. So many people have ideas of things they want to do, whether they be business-related, something that scares them or even just asking someone else out on a date. Everyone has ideas about how they want to live their lives, but most people never wind up following through. They are so afraid of failure or of looking bad that they run from any kind of challenge.
Since the beginning of humanity, a large part of humankind’s focus was directed towards survival. A person’s primary function is to survive and reproduce. As society progresses the the more contemporary of what is expected today, success has become jointed with how an individual works with others and less on how much they achieve by themselves. Mencken wrote that “the average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” In comparison to modern beliefs this notion is quite true. The average American may say they love freedom, but just what kind of freedom are they talking about? For the majority, what they mean is that they want a safe environment where people can do what they want within reason and not bring about harm or discomfort
Freedom from what? There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men. To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. That is freedom. That and nothing else.” He and liberty have finally escaped the community and achieved freedom. This ties in to the original quote, “To be free a man must be free of his brothers.” They have finally escaped their brothers and sisters, they are free from them, they are free to do as they please and be
In conclusion, freedom is having power to inflict a positive change on the world. The ability to be yourself and not change for anyone. The right to choose who rules and who doesn’t rule. Having a chance to get out there and show the world what your all about and who you really are. These are all definitions of freedom and what it truly means to be
Human beings, even when they are trapped or imprisoned, tend to assert their individuality or personal freedom. For decades now, the true meaning of freedom has been a very controversial topic. According to the American Heritage College Dictionary the word freedom means. The Condition of being free of constraints. Freedom can be felt, not physically but mentally through emotions. When human beings are trapped or imprisoned, most would have to achieve their own personal freedom in order to survi...
The question of becoming free came about and the answer was communism. Karl Marx had the notion that when the monarchy and capitalism were oblivious, then the communist government could take action, and the riches of society would prosper. Contrasting the beliefs that had started becoming prevalent, Marx thought that the economy should have nothing to do with labor, profits, and land tenure. Instead, Marx thought that the foremost point was man and his activities, as declared in the Communist Manifesto. Marx had a resolution to the problems of the working class man; bring the economy to man's direction in order to allow freedom. But, the next issue was, what else is relevant to freedom? Marx talks about this matter in the Communist Manifesto as well. Do the ethics of freedom concern everyone? And how would these ideals be set into today's society?
Freedom is having the right to own, act, think, and speak without any restrictions from the outside. Ever since the New World was discovered, people have been fighting for their independence till this day. People of other colors and race have been forced to do labor without their consent. Today, those same people have been blamed or accused of crimes that were not committed by them despite of being free. Freedom has different meanings and those meanings change overtime; however sometimes the significance of freedom does not change.
This well-known statement truly incorporates all facets of what it means to be free in America. The citizens of this country have the right to live. They have the right to be free of restriction and control, to do what they please. And they have the right to be happy in whatever way that might be. These rights are so basic, yet so vital.... ...
Freedom is often spoken of in what can be referred to as a loose sense of the word. One country has more freedom than another; a twenty-one year old has more freedom than a fifteen year old. What exactly does this word mean? For different people it may mean different things, but there has to be an equilibrium that can be reached in order to determine the meaning of freedom itself. In one form, freedom can mean that a person has "exemption from an obligation."* If only the root (free) is looked at, it can be interpreted that one is "not under the control or power of another."*