Definition Essay: What Makes A Good Person?

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Every word has a definition, but doesn’t everyone's brain think in different ways? “Good”, like any other word has different meaning for each individual.

A quality example of a good person is my cousin. My cousin is an extremely unselfish person. It seems that every weekend, when he is supposed to be off work, he offers to go in, unpaid, to catch the plant up on products in order to make the plant run more smoothly for the days that follow. Not only that, he only buys the necessities in such as food, water, and shelter. Then with the money left over he donates to a foster care system in Rockford where he often visits the children with presents just to cheer them up. Another example of why my cousin is a good person is that he is honest. Apparently he’s been this way ever since he was in his teen years. At age seventeen he got his girlfriend pregnant, and instead of beating around the bush he told his parents and faced the consequences that followed. He also follows the law at all times. He has never gotten a ticket and is that person that other people get annoyed with because he is always following the rules. …show more content…

What makes these people good is their ability to empathize, have compassion, be unselfish, and to put others before himself. Whereas evil people lack all of these qualities and do the exact opposite. Then he goes on to say that most people are in the gray area between. The qualities of a good person that Taylor notes in his article of “The Real Meaning of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’,” are accurate to today’s world, however, there are many more aspects that lend a role in deciding what is good and what is evil. For instance, the situations one goes through on a daily basis can determine this for

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