Definition Essay On Happiness

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Happiness is a very important thing to survive in harmony. Happiness isn't profitable, tradeable, or measurable, yet we still seek it. Happiness is it's own entity; and not any living being can begin to understand or even fathom the effects it has. Happiness controls us, and our entire lives. It controls our actions, thoughts, beliefs, religions, relationships, friendships, hardships, and basically everything else that is not material about us.
Happiness doesn't control how much money we have, or what brand of clothes we wear, what type of cars we drive, or homes we live in. It's the journey and the way we conduct our lives in spite of happiness that leads us to where we are now. Everyone seeks happiness, it's a philosophy in life that can …show more content…

Nobody is perfect, we all know this, and we constantly seek perfection, which we believe is a form of happiness. Perfection and happiness are two completely different things. Perfection is a person's ideal of living their life, which most believe is fame, riches, and love. All of these things can contribute to a person's happiness, but also, can completely demolish it.
What is the feeling of happiness, and how do we achieve it? A common thought in people's minds, that can't really be answered. "Happy" is just a few meaningless letters put together to form one. Happiness, pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, cheerfulness, joy, glee, delight, elation, ecstasy, exhilaration, blissfulness, euphoria, all words that mean the same thing in different ways; all described as categories of happiness.
While trying to understand it, we categorized happiness and just figured since we could categorize it knew what it was, but we don’t. These are simply words. Words don't mean anything unless we give them a meaning. Just like people. People don't mean anything unless they give themselves a meaning. God gave you a meaning when he created you. In science, happiness is a mental state determined by chemical signals given off by your brain, but this doesn't describe happiness. It means more than just chemical signals to us. It’s a deeper

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