Debate: Should School Start Later

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Should school start later? Schools have started at 7:30 or even earlier which is not a good time. Especially for teens who need their sleep. “A study published that pediatrics last month found that getting an extra 25 minutes of had increased the amount of sleep each night. Studies showed that the normal teen needs to get within 8-9 hours of sleep each night for normal health.

Students need a reasonable start to their day. A 25 minute delay is good because it give teens 29 extra minutes of sleep each night. They jump to 44 from 18%. In the text To Keep Teenagers Alert, Let Them Sleep In it stated“Researchers study eight high schools in three states. Before and after they change to later times.” “In effect to that they had figured out the later it is the better off the students were on many measures. …show more content…

When teens sleep from 8-9 hours get a better start. They also would be less likely to be tardy, or fight with one another. In the text Up For Debate: Should School Start Later? It stated, “The 29 extra minutes can lead to the correct decisions. When you get that 25 minute delay you won’t have to go to the nurse as

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