Day Care Centers In High Schools Essay

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Do you think high schools should have day care centers? Although some people argue that high schools should not have day care centers, they should consider that having day cares on a high school campus would help out a lot because it would help teen mothers stay on track and get their work done.
Some people believe “Having a daycare center will encourage teens to have another child” some teens would lack responsibility but most teens would take this offer and get their work done and graduate. Also it “shows other kids that having a child is ok” ( Day care centers provide support services for teen parents so they can get work done and graduate with their class. They provide support by making sure the student and child has transportation back and forth to school. Public school day care programs help offer support and solutions for teens who are struggling because kids are a lot to deal with so if the child is in daycare it a be easier and it supports the teenager.
Some centers allow interested students to work with their child while the child gets to spend time with his or her mother. “Care centers infuse more professionals into the workforce, resulting in an …show more content…

("Grant for teen parents to benefit Janesville students.") It would also be a great opportunity for a high school to have a daycare because they may have low income and can’t afford to pay for someone to watch their child during school hours,so it would be best for a student to be able to bring their child with them so they can get their work done and have someone take care of their child for free. Daycare is an advantage for the child to grow and learn early so they’ll be ahead on an early education and they’ll also learn how to keep clean to avoid catching germs and getting

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