Dark Energy Outline

1446 Words3 Pages

Dark Energy

It’s Function and Features

İrem Ertürk
Computer Engineering – Faculty of Computer and Informatics

English 201 CRN: 10053
Esbie van Heerden-Ünsal
December 1, 2014

Dark Energy
Thesis Statement: Dark energy is a subject on which there is considerable debate; whether there is evidence of its existence, its formation and its function.
I. Its function and features
A. Effects on the universe
1. Acceleration
a. Einstein’s theory
b. Negative pressure
2. Expansion of the universe
a. Ripping the universe apart
B. Dark holes
1. Form of dark holes
2. Relation with dark energy

I. Its function and features
A. Effects on universe
Beginning from 1990s to up until now, the most researched and discussed subjects …show more content…

Redd (2013) defined black holes as an area of space that has infinite density and very powerful force of gravity which pulls everything inside. Even light which is known with its rapidity can not get out from that force (p. 1). Due to the fact that is stated above, light is engulfed by black holes and that is the reason of why we can not see the black holes with unaided eyes (“What is Black Hole?”, 2008, para. 2-3). Even nobody can see the black holes with unaided eyes, there is no doubt about the existence of black holes by the help of observations made by space telescopes. As a result of all observations, scientists recognized that stars and gas behave extraordinary and create the high-energy light while rotating around the black holes and these are evidences of existence of the black holes (“What is Black Hole?”, 2008, para. 2-10). As mentioned before, black holes has infinite density, that phrase emphasizes that besides its extraordinary mass, the volume of black holes is approaching zero. Addition to that Redd (2013) compared the volumes of stars and the black holes and determined the volume of black holes are smaller than stars. Black holes are categorized according to their mass. Redd (2013) made an observation about the rate of existence in the universe for each type of black holes and emphasized the power of gravitational force . “Small black holes populate the universe, but their cousins, supermassive black holes, dominate. Supermassive black holes are millions or even billions of times as massive as the sun, but have a radius similar to that of Earth's closest star. Such black holes are thought to lie at the center of pretty much every galaxy, including the Milky Way.” (Redd, 2013, p. 2). Despite the constantly improving research data, scientists still don't know everything about black holes. In fact, Cain (2008) stated that, there is a theory

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