Black Holes

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Have you ever wondered what a Black Hole is, or what happens if you go into one??? Well now’s your chance to find out about them.There are many theories to Black Holes and if they are real or not. But Black Holes are real. Karl Schwarzschild is the founder and the theory master to Black Holes.
Black Holes are mostly found inside of the Milky Way. There are many types of galaxies and many different types of Black Holes. A normal galaxy has gases and stars
Black Holes are referred to stars, and nothing from light or any kind of matter is able to escape the gravitational pull of that Black Hole. Black Holes are the last of the line after Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs. Black Holes are about 10-15 more times/massive than the own Sun itself. When the Black Hole reaches its final "stage" they blow up into also known as a supernova. Most of the debris is left behind as well which fusion can no longer take place. The Black Hole will collapse or close on itself if no force is to the opposing gravity. Nuclear fusion creates some energy and some pressure with the Gravity of the Black Hole. So with no force, the Black Hole shrinks to zero volume. Black Holes pull in all kinds of matter. Black Holes are small, but you wouldn't think they would be. They may be small but they have the energy to suck things up into themselves. A usual diameter of a regular black hole is 4 times the diameter of the sun. With the cause of them being small, distant, and dark, they wouldn't be able to be seen or observed. Now if you get too close to one, you may die. So black holes are still a mystery to be solved. Black Holes are massive in weight and they get bigger the more matter they suck up/ absorb. Black Holes are like the sibling(s) to wormholes. Blac...

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... hole. The opening of a black hole is called the event horizon. And once something goes inside, it is trapped forever inside of it. Light, matter and other things cannot escape. The radius of each event horizon is called the Schwarzschild radius, named after Karl Schwarzschild the person who led to the theory of black holes A black hole is when there is a strong gravitational pull and there was a time delayed. The whole light not being able to escape thing seems pretty complicated. why? Because when you think about it, light not being able to escape the black hole doesn't seem too realistic. Black holes are created from an overdensity of a star collapsing in on itself. That overdensity is what creates the whole black hole part, the concept of the black hole sucking things in and possibly destroying them without a trace, that is the part that makes it seem weird.

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