Daphnia Research Paper

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The organism Daphnia magna belongs to the phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Crustacea, and the class Branchiopoda (Ebert, 2005). As planktonic organisms (National Science Teachers Association, 1987), Daphnia are found in “freshwater, temperate environments throughout North America” (National Science Teachers Association, 1987). The Daphnia also contains a pair of antenna located at the top of the head that is used as a method of movement (Ebert, 2005). Due to its transparency, the Daphnia is easily visible through a microscope. The nervous system of Daphnia is rather primitive, containing a cerebral ganglion (Ebert, 2005) which is a nerve cluster containing both afferent and efferent nerves (Chase, 2000). Most environmental changes affecting the

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