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What is my definition of success
What does success mean
An essay about achieving goals
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What does true success mean? I think that true success means being able to say “I did it”. I think this because when you say “ I did it” then you feel proud of yourself. According to Danika Senzer success is “....being confident and loving what you are doing . As long as you are proud of what you have, I would call that success. It will always be different from person to person,but that is okay.”(Senzer 34). This quote is expressing what Senzer really thinks success is. Maddi Dukes states that , “I think that true success is knowing that you succeeded a goal you set for yourself. I think this is the definition of success because when you set a goal for yourself, and you have worked so hard to complete it,it feels like complete success.” (Dukes
83) I do agree with Dukes because i do feel good when i have completed a life goal. Bryn Castor says,”True success is having a large healthy family. This is because then you are a great parent and you have provided life to the world.” (Castor 753) I disagree with Castor because one does not have to have a large family and even be a parent to achieve success in life. One can achieve success without children or a wife/husband. As a person success may mean many different things. “ Success isn`t about how much money you make, it`s about the difference you make in people`s lives.”(Michelle Obama)
Success can be an extremely broad subject. There is an abounding amount of different views on what the “true” definition of success is. Personally, I believe that success is finding happiness. Success is waking up in the morning and not having to worry about whether or not the bills are going to be paid this month. Success is having a job that you enjoy going to every day. Success is having friends and family who love and support you. Success does not mean that one has to be exceedingly rich or have a lakeside mansion. As long as they are happy, they have succeeded in life.
Hoosiers once said " If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your own potential, to be the best that you can be. . . in my book we are going to be winners". This quotation is relevant to the question of What does success mean to me? I believe success is about learning what you are capable of to achieve your full potential being successful in your life. For you have a better understanding, I will explain success is about being achievable in your own way and being able to see yourself grow in your personal life and perspective of how you see yourself becoming successful. Success is not only about the choices you make to become successful, but about how you approach the way to become successful.
Every day we study and work to seek success. Everybody want to be successful, but not everybody know how to achieve success. There are a lot of elements that affect success. Usually people think that success is come from individual thing, such as 10,000 hours of practice and motivation. Those factors are personal responsibility, they are the factors in people’s hand that can make success .Actually there are other factor that is outside of our control, but really affect our opportunities and success. According to Malcolm Gladwell, Carol Dweck and Daniel Pink; I found that these uncontrollable factors are ecology, growth mindset, Matthew effect and cultural legacy can have a positive effect on opportunities and success.
However, I define success as achieving any goal, no matter how big or small it is. Success encourages people to achieve anything they set their minds on. It can be as small as getting an A on a test or as big as being a billionaire. In dealing with success, the sky is truly the limit. Therefore, success should be accounted for anything one does. Additionally, I also define success as being satisfied in life. Success ultimately brings fulfillment to our friends, our family, and ourselves. Achieving our goals brings great gratification into our lives, which everyone strives to receive. Therefore, success is achieving any goal and being content in
Success is a simple word, with different views on how to define it. Agreeing with Brian Tracy’s saying, “Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do” (success.com), with past personal experience; defining success would be saying, that to become successful means to give all someone has and push through anything that gets in the way and continue working your way up to the very top, until you know that you have made it and feel extremely confident about where you are now placed. Being in an interview, being asked to define success and realizing everyone else’s view was different, defining success with knowledge and experience, is the result of defining success for myself. To become successful, optimism, creativity, self-control, emotional awareness, and sociability are all needed to help someone succeed their life goals.
Successful is a simple word, however, the meaning of this word changes quite often. Each person has a different definition of success and that definition can change depending on the situation. Bob Dylan once wrote, “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” This a very broad definition of success and should not be used. The definition of success should be “the pursued goals have been adequately accomplished.”
Success only truly comes with being happy. Happiness and success are the accomplices of one another. Someone cannot have accompanies without the other. Happiness brings success, and success brings even more happiness. Success, in the dictionary, is defined as the achievement of something desired planned or attempted. Therefore, success cannot be judged by anyone than oneself. It is a personal thing. It is the realization of goals, desires or plans made by one 's self. It is not measurable and yet is something we always use to compare others or appraise someone 's worth. Success, in one form or another, is something that someone should always be striving for. For some people it is something they will do subconsciously, and for others it will be something they will constantly labor for. Because success is something that is different for everyone, it is best that they measure their personal success by their sense of self worth instead of others. To have succeeded is to have lived, as someone wanted; ' it is to have lived well and laughed
We, as a society, are obsessed with this idea of success, we read countless books, articles, and watch videos on the subject. If you asked people what they’re goals in life are, more often than not they would mention wanting to be successful. What is success? The literal definition is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In other words, the accomplishment of one’s personal or team goals. Throughout my school life, I’ve always either struggled mightily or have succeeded with limited effort; A direct result of a fixed mindset. However, I tended to succeed when it came to sports because of my exceptional growth mindset in the field of athletics. It is my belief that success and failure go hand and hand, in addition attitude and effort are
Success has a different meaning for everyone, you'll know you reached success once all your goals are achieved, when you reached maximum happiness in life, and also when you are making history.
Success, a word so commonly used. Success is always associated with money and fame, but what does it really mean? Success is simply an effect. It comes from hard work and effort. Success can come from something as little as getting an A on a quiz to graduating from college. Success comes from many different levels. I think one can be successful in many ways. The First was to be successful is that one must be able to see Success out of many situations. If one never sees success and are never able to point it out then that person will never truly feel successful. Secondly one must work hard and not just expect results. Finally one must be determined.
Personally, success is a word that has no contextual meaning, but has a personal meaning which depends on the interests, values, and principles of each individual. Our vision of success will always differ, according to your way of seeing life you can consider what a successful life means. I was able to define success on my walks of unpaved streets of a third world country, in the middle of abuses and violations of my parents, on a hospital bed, on the tireless days of hard work in order to pay for my high school, and on the sleepless nights of college homework. Everyone wants to be successful in many areas of life: family, work, wealth, social, professional etc. These are all stereotypical aspirations of a person in order to live their dream life.
The true definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Although, many people have different perceptions of success. Success is judged by the individuals themselves. Success can be defined in many ways including: wealth, happiness, fame, etc. Success can be anything from material goods to concepts. It all depends on your concept and how you achieve your goals. You have to have persistence within yourself. Varying on your profession, you will need a certain skill level. Your definition of success can be suitable best for you, but not for others. It is about truly not giving up, reaching your full potential, and self-fulfillment.
Is there someone you know that is wealthy and prominent? Do they demonstrate the characteristics of a successful person in today’s society? Media today has effectively convinced our society into accepting an untrue, even possibly hazardous definition of success. Even though Webster’s dictionary defines success as “achieving wealth, respect, and fame,” the definition of success is different for everyone. Society wants us to accept that having money, having big house, and owning multiple cars is the key to happiness, and henceforth, success. This is a lie; success is not having a large amount of money nor does it have to deal with fame.
Success takes many different definitions. People have different interpretations of what success really means. For me is as simple as: living well and laughing often. The idea of living well is a very broad statement. Living well, in my opinion is getting success in personal, social and professional life. If I can achieve all of these three levels of success, I believe that I have lived well.
Success is something we all wish to achieve and even though we have different definitions of success, we all want to success in different aspects of our lives. For some success, success is attaining an education, others it's getting a good job, for others it's being wealthy, and others to start and own a business while for others it's having a family of our own and seeing our children prosper. We all have different metrics of measuring success and we all have different goals, but it is part of human instinct to want success, to want to succeed in everything we do no matter how small or big. Success gives us a feeling of development and growth, a sense of gratification that we are no longer where we used to be, but rather