Cyber Bullying Essay

699 Words2 Pages

Jan Hlineny
Educational Psychology
CyberBullying: How can it be prevented?
Cyber bullying is a big problem - that is the reason why it is needed to find some possible solutions and prevention of violent situations which could be caused by this undesirable behavior. This article will be focused on the three most important areas of the prevention - parenting, school and law. Analysis of these areas is very important, because it can be seen that the world is not prepared for the new theme in everyday life. Additionally, it is a very useful idea that these three parts can collaborate together to find the most efficient way of solving this problem.
As Hanah (2010) claims, many parents grew in society without modern technology as mobile phones or the Internet. Consequently, it can be hard for them to imagine virtual life and they can feel powerless in possible protection of their children in the Internet world. As a result, we can find that the first step for parents should be participating in child’s cyber life. This step requires patience, but it is reasonable. In case, when parents already know how to work with the Internet, they have many possibilities (Hanah, 2010). Firstly, they can find children’s internet accounts and start to monitor their activities; the best way how to do it is to make a virtual friendship with the child. Of course, the good idea would be to inspect children’s other friends. Hanah (2010) claims that parents should use some of traditional methods. They have to choose limits for using of computer in their family. Especially, it will work when they will insist on their conditions, even if their child is not very happy about them.
However, the best thing to do is to talk to a child. According to Hanah (2010),...

... middle of paper ... inhibition of social sites and emails and this is the theme for a discussion. How far can schools go to protect their students? There has to be done a compromise between both sides. Possible solution can be seen in the future generations because they will grow up with all the preventions around them in prepared world.


Andrew, V. Beale, and R. Hall Kimberly. "Cyberbullying: What School Administrators (and Parents) can do." The Clearing House 81.1 (2007): 8-12. ProQuest Central. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.
Hannah, Margaret. "Cyberbullying Education for Parents: A Guide for Clinicians." Journal of Social Sciences 6.4 (2010): 532-6. ProQuest Central. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.
Virginia, Bendel Draa, and D. Sydney Tara. "Cyberbullying: Challenges and Actions." Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 101.4 (2009): 40-6. ProQuest Central. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.

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